React component that provides a private route functionality.
An insulo-route package is part of the Insulo components library. The other packages belonging to Insulo project are: insulo-locale-provider, insulo-menu, insulo-theme-provider.
Insulo components are a collection of components designed to rapidly build React-based applications. Insulo components are based on the material-ui library. They use React hooks, in terms of state management.
More information can be found on the Insulo project website. Basic examples can also be found on the insulo-menu page.
Example #1 (route only)
npx create-react-app test-route-only
cd test-route-only
yarn add @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons insulo-route react-router-dom
Adding sample code
The contents of the src/App.js file should look like this:
// src/App.js
import React, { Fragment, useContext } from 'react';
import {RouteConfigProvider, AuthConfigProvider, AuthContext,ProtectedRoute} from 'insulo-route';
import { Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'
const history = createBrowserHistory();
const getPageVisibility = (authValues, authProps) => {
return authProps.unauthenticated === true ||
((authValues) && authValues.authorized === authProps.required) ||
((authValues) && Array.isArray(authProps.required) && authProps.required.findIndex((r)=>{return r === authValues.authorized}) > -1);
const routingConfig = {
// defaultRedirect: "/login",
const authConfig = {
clearCredentialsImmediately: true,
redirectWhenInvalidCredentails: false,
saveAuthValues: true, // if you don't need to preserve the ceredentials after page refresh, set this value to false
saveAuthValuesDecode: ({authValuesStr}) => JSON.parse(authValuesStr),
saveAuthValuesEncode: ({authValues}) => JSON.stringify(authValues),
setCredentials: ({credentials, additionalProps}) => {
return {authorized: credentials.username}
const Page = ({text}) => {
return (<Fragment><h1>{text}</h1>{text}</Fragment>);
const LoginPage = () => {
const {actions: authActions } = useContext(AuthContext);
const onClick = (event, user) => {
authActions.setCredentials({credentials: {username: user}});
return (
<button onClick={(evt) => onClick(evt, 'user3')} style={{margin: '2em'}} >Authorize as "user3"</button>
<button onClick={(evt) => onClick(evt, 'user4')} style={{margin: '2em'}} >Authorize as "user4"</button>
const LogoutPage = () => {
const {actions: authActions } = useContext(AuthContext);
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
<button type="submit" style={{margin: '2em'}} >Clear credentials</button>
export default function App () {
return (
<RouteConfigProvider initValue={routingConfig}>
<AuthConfigProvider initValue={authConfig}>
<Router history={history}>
<Route exact path="/item1" render={() => <Page text="Item 1" />} />
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/item2" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Item 2'}}
authProps={{required: 'user3'}} authError={'"Item 2" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/item3" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Item 3'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: 'user3'}} authError={'"Item 3" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/item4" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Item 4'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: 'user4'}} authError={'"Item 4" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/login" component={LoginPage} forwardRoute="/item1"
authProps={{unauthenticated: true}} />
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/logout" component={LogoutPage} forwardUnauthorizedRoute="/item1"
authProps={{required: ['user3','user4']}} />
<Route render={() => <Page text="Default route"/>} />
yarn start
Try the following urls in the browser's address bar:
- http://localhost:3000
- http://localhost:3000/item1
- http://localhost:3000/item2
- http://localhost:3000/item3
- http://localhost:3000/item4
- http://localhost:3000/login
- http://localhost:3000/logout
Example #2 (menu with ProtectedRoute component)
npx create-react-app test-menu-with-auth
cd test-menu-with-auth
yarn add @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons insulo-menu insulo-route react-icons react-router-dom
Adding sample code
The contents of the src/App.js file should look like this:
// src/App.js
import React, { Fragment, useContext } from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import {RouteConfigProvider, AuthConfigProvider, AuthContext,ProtectedRoute} from 'insulo-route';
import { menuTypes, MenuProvider, ApplicationBar, Landing } from 'insulo-menu';
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
import { ViewList, ViewCompact, ViewStream, ViewColumn } from '@material-ui/icons';
import { FaSignInAlt, FaSignOutAlt } from "react-icons/fa";
const getPageVisibility = (authValues, authProps) => {
return authProps.unauthenticated === true ||
((authValues) && authValues.authorized === authProps.required) ||
((authValues) && Array.isArray(authProps.required) && authProps.required.findIndex((r)=>{return r === authValues.authorized}) > -1);
const getItemVisibility = (authValues, authProps) => {
if (typeof authProps != 'object') return true;
if (authProps.unauthenticated === true && authValues) return false;
return getPageVisibility(authValues, authProps);
const Page = ({text}) => {
return (<Fragment><h1>{text}</h1>{text}</Fragment>);
const LoginPage = () => {
const {actions: authActions } = useContext(AuthContext);
const onClick = (event, user) => {
authActions.setCredentials({credentials: {username: user}});
return (
<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={(evt) => onClick(evt, 'user')} >Authorize as "user"</Button>
const LogoutPage = () => {
const {actions: authActions } = useContext(AuthContext);
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
<Button type="submit" variant="contained" color="primary" >Clear credentials</Button>
const routingConfig = {
defaultRedirect: "/login",
const authConfig = {
clearCredentialsImmediately: true,
redirectWhenInvalidCredentails: false,
saveAuthValues: true, // if you don't need to preserve the ceredentials after page refresh, set this value to false
saveAuthValuesDecode: ({authValuesStr}) => JSON.parse(authValuesStr),
saveAuthValuesEncode: ({authValues}) => JSON.stringify(authValues),
setCredentials: ({credentials, additionalProps}) => {
return {authorized: credentials.username}
const menuConfig = {
variant: menuTypes.TEMPORARY,
availableVariants: [menuTypes.PERSISTENT, menuTypes.TEMPORARY, menuTypes.MINIMIZED],
width: "20em",
anchor: menuTypes.MENU_LEFT,
items: [
caption: "Item 1",
icon: <ViewList/>,
route: "/item1",
altRoute: "/",
caption: "Item 2",
icon: <ViewCompact/>,
route: "/item2",
caption: "Hidden Submenu",
icon: <ViewStream/>,
authProps: {required: ['user']},
items: [
caption: "Subitem 1",
route: "/subitem1",
icon: <ViewList/>,
caption: "Submenu 2",
icon: <ViewStream/>,
items: [
caption: "Subitem 2-1",
route: "/subitem2-1",
icon: <ViewList/>,
caption: "Subitem 2-2",
route: "/subitem2-2",
icon: <ViewCompact/>,
caption: "Subitem 3",
route: "/subitem3",
icon: <ViewColumn/>,
caption: "Item 3",
icon: <ViewColumn/>,
route: "/item3",
authProps: {required: ['user']},
type: 'divider'
caption: "Sign In",
captionId: "item_sign_in",
authProps: {unauthenticated: true},
icon: <FaSignInAlt />,
route: "/login",
caption: "Sign Out",
captionId: "item_sign_out",
authProps: {required: ['user']},
icon: <FaSignOutAlt />,
route: "/logout",
function Layout () {
const { value: authConfig } = useContext(AuthContext);
return (
Test Application
<Landing itemVibilityValues={authConfig.authValues} >
<Route exact path="/" render={() => <Page text="Item 1" />} />
<Route exact path="/item1" render={() => <Page text="Item 1" />} />
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/item2" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Item 2'}}
authProps={{required: 'user'}} authError={'"Item 2" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/item3" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Item 3'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: ['user']}} authError={'"Item 3" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/subitem1" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Subtem 1'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: 'user'}} authError={'"Subitem 1" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/subitem2-1" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Subtem 2-1'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: ['user']}} authError={'"Subitem 2-1" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/subitem2-2" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Subtem 2-2'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: 'user'}} authError={'"Subitem 2-2" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/subitem3" component={Page} componentProps={{text:'Subtem 3'}} redirectRoute="/login"
authProps={{required: ['user']}} authError={'"Subitem 3" requires authorization.'}/>
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/login" component={LoginPage} forwardRoute="/item1"
authProps={{unauthenticated: true}} />
<ProtectedRoute exact path="/logout" component={LogoutPage} forwardUnauthorizedRoute="/item1"
authProps={{required: ['user']}} />
<Route render={() => <Page text="Default route"/>} />
export default function App () {
return (
<RouteConfigProvider initValue={routingConfig}>
<AuthConfigProvider initValue={authConfig}>
<MenuProvider initValue={menuConfig}>
<Layout />
yarn start