When making WebHook requests to a Discord App, the Discord service signs the requests using the [Ed25519]( digital signature scheme. See [Discord Security and Authorization](
Insomnia Plugin Discord Auth
When making WebHook requests to a Discord App, the Discord service signs the requests using the Ed25519 digital signature scheme. See Discord Security and Authorization.
This Plugin makes it easy to test your Discord server, by automatically signing API requests using the Ed25519 scheme and a given secret.
Discord don't share their signing secret with you, so I've also included the code required to generate a new secret/public key pair to use for testing.
And some sample code that would run on your Discord server to validate the signature.
🚀 Installation
In Insomnia, Access the Application / Preferences menu and then select the Plugins tab, enter the plugin name
and click Install Plugin.After installing the plugin click on Enable
Generating a Key Pair
Discord do not share their secret key, so for testing you will need to generate your own key pair. A helper NodeJS app generate-keypair.js is included:
> node generate-keypair.js
secretKey: cdc8d007d9d4e181f94a0c2a224c6848b1c1896c9c6645c867b2ddbe965a844b07f3be2df0be6b4befca007f190468c3c1a640dbb4d50beaa8d98e4671c0e9db
publicKey: 07f3be2df0be6b4befca007f190468c3c1a640dbb4d50beaa8d98e4671c0e9db
Adding Environment Var
- Create an Environment variable called
with a valid hex-encoded secret from a ED25519 key-pair. It is recommended that you put this in aPrivate Environment
so that the key isn't exported or synced by Insomnia.
Add Header to each Request
- Add a custom Header called
with the value of#DISCORD#
. This tells the plug-in to intercept this request, and add the required signing header
Send a Request
- Click on
, and the plug-in will intercept the request, add the requiredx-signature-ed25519
headers, before the request is sent to the destination server
View Logs
You can see from the Timeline view that the plug-in is successfully adding the signature and timestamp headers to the request
Example Bot Code
I'm also including some sample code for the Bot server receiving this request. It requires
the testing secret key that you generated above, and also the secret from the Discord App web pages. You
then run it with an environment variable of ENV=DEV
for testing, or remove the variable for production.
- Sorry - This is cut-paste from my app code, and hasn't been run/tested as a standalone app
const express = require('express');
const dfcbp = require('./dfc-bot-plus.js')
const nacl = require('tweetnacl');
// Constants
const PORT = 8080;
const HOST = '';
// App
const app = express();
// Discord enumerations
const InteractionResponseType = {
Pong: 1,
ChannelMessageWithSource: 4,
DeferredChannelMessageWithSource: 5
const InteractionType = {
Ping: 1,
ApplicationCommand: 2
// Use the Raw handler, as we need to create/compare the signature of the raw body
// Main POST handler'/discord-bot/', async (req,res) => {
const signatureEd25519 = req.get('x-signature-ed25519');
const signatureTimestamp = req.get('x-signature-timestamp');
const requestBody = req.body.toString('utf8');
try {
await discordHandler(requestBody, signatureEd25519, signatureTimestamp));
} catch (err) {
// Start the listener
app.listen(PORT, HOST);
console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`);
// Main Discord Request Handler
async discordHandler(requestBody, signatureEd25519, signatureTimestamp){
// Validate Input
if (signatureEd25519 == null ||
signatureTimestamp == null ||
requestBody == null)
throw new Error("Invalid Parameters");
// Parse the Body
const body = JSON.parse(requestBody);
const discordRequestType = body.type;
const bodyData =;
// Validate Body
if (discordRequestType == null ||
throw new Error("Invalid Discord Request Type");
if (process.env.ENV == "DEV") {
// ############## THE DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC KEY YOU GENERATED ABOVE ##########################
var signaturePublicKey = "07f3be2df0be6b4befca007f190468c3c1a640dbb4d50beaa8d98e4671c0e9db";
} else {
// ############## THE PRODUCTION PUBLIC KEY FROM DISCORD ##################################
var signaturePublicKey = "NEED TO REPLACE";
var isVerified = nacl.sign.detached.verify(
Buffer.from(signatureTimestamp + requestBody),
Buffer.from(signatureEd25519, 'hex'),
Buffer.from(signaturePublicKey, 'hex')
if (!isVerified) {
console.debug("Signature FAILED verification");
throw new Error("Invalid Request Signature");
else {
console.debug("Signing verified");
// Handle Events
switch (discordRequestType) {
// === PING Response
case InteractionType.Ping:
return JSON.stringify({"type": InteractionResponseType.Pong});
// === Normal Response
case InteractionType.ApplicationCommand:
return "";