InPlayer React UI Components
yarn add @inplayer-org/inplayer-ui styled-components
InPlayer UI is a style system / UI library for React. It works with Styled Components 💅.
Up & Running
To install dependencies with Yarn, run:
$ yarn install
or to install with npm, run:
$ npm install
Here is a quick example to get you started, it's all you need:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
import { ThemeWrapper, Button } from "@inplayer-org/inplayer-ui";
function App() {
return (
<ThemeWrapper withProvider={ThemeProvider}>
<Button size="lg">
Hello World
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));
Yes, it's really all you need to get started as you can see in this live and interactive demo:
File Structure
This component library borrows its structure from BEM and is set up to use Blocks, Elements, and Modifiers. Below is a description of each.
Blocks are the highest level of abstraction in the Blocks, Elements, Modifiers concept. They are responsible for providing the context for Elements, handling UI logic, and rendering the Elements within the Block. They are not connected to application state, nor do they handle any business logic.
Elements are the smallest, indivisible parts of UI. They are responsible for actually rendering the
UI. They do not handle application logic or UI logic, but they do handle their own modifiers which
modify the element’s style. Elements generally exist within the context of a Block (as their own
file in the Block’s directory) allowing the reuse of that set of Elements, but they are not
exclusively bound to blocks. An example of a stand-alone Element would be an A, Link, H3, or P.
These common elements live in src/elements
This library utilizes
to build
modifiers. Modifiers are small functions that allow us to alter the properties of an Element.
They primarily live in the Element's file and are solely responsible for modifying styles.
Some modifiers are common to multiple Elements. An example would be fontWeights
These common modifiers live in src/modifiers
An Example Structure
├ src/
├── blocks/
| ├── Grid
| | ├── Cell.js // <- Element
| | ├── Container.js // <- Element
| | └── index.js // <- Block
| └── index.js // <- export for all Blocks
├── elements/
| ├── Label
| | ├── tests
| | | ├── __snapshots__
| | | | └── index.js.snap // <- Snapshot Test
| | | └── index.js // <- Test
| | └── index.js // <- Element
| ├── Loader
| | └── index.js // <- Element
| ├── Typography
| | └── index.js // <- Element
| ├── Icon
| | └── index.js // <- Element
| └── etc.
| └── index.js // <- export for all Blocks
├── modifiers/
| ├── fontWeights
| └── etc.
└── index.js // <- main export for the library
Local Development
Module Development Workflow
Helpful information on development workflow in this library lives here.
_NOTE: The linter will run against everything in the src
JavaScript Linting
To run the linter once:
$ yarn lint:js
To run the watch task:
$ yarn lint:js:watch
Style Linting
To run the style linter:
$ yarn lint:style
Linting JavaScript & Styles
To run both linters:
$ yarn lint
An initial test suite has been setup with two tests (one passing and one intentionally failing).
We're using Jest Snapshots for our initial test setup, though Enzyme and Expect are also available.
The basic test setup lives in ./tests
. The main configuration for Jest lives at the bottom
of package.json
. Jest also gives us a test coverage tool for free. The setup is at the bottom of
. Everything is set to 90% coverage, but your welcome to update that to whatever
you'd like.
To run the tests once:
$ yarn test
To run the watch script (for only relevant test files)
$ yarn test:watch
To run the watch script (for all test files)
$ yarn test:watchAll
To view the coverage report:
$ yarn test:coverage:report
If you'd like to run the linters and tests at once (this is a nice check before pushing to Github or deploys), you can run:
$ yarn review
This library uses Prettier for code consistency. There's a pre-commit hook that will prettier and roll those changes into your commit.
This lib uses react-styleguidist for documenting components. To to view the docs locally, run yarn styleguide
and visit http://localhost:6060
. To build a static version, run yarn styleguide:build
. This static version will be created in /docs
_NOTE: There is a pre-push script in this library that will automatically update the docs when you push to GitHub.
_NOTE: When you run build
, Babel will create a build
Run once:
$ npm/yarn run build
Run the watch script:
$ npm/yarn run build:watch
NOTE: the build script runs in the prepublishOnly
script just before you publish to npm.
We are thankful for any contributions made by the community. By contributing you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct in the Contributing Guidelines.
Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2018-present InPlayer.
See LICENSE for more information.