An unofficial WhatsApp API using [baileys]( implemented into [whatsapp-web.js](
Baileyes To WhatsApp-web.js
An unofficial WhatsApp API using baileys implemented into whatsapp-web.js.
You can use all the features here like you use whatsapp-web.js with the help of the main library, baileys.
I cannot guarantee that you can always use this library safely because the threat from WhatsApp to users who use unofficial WhatsApp API services is the possibility of an account ban/blocking for those who engage in such actions, and this ban can be for a significant period. So, use this at your own risk.
Get started
To get started, first, you need to install this library using npm/yarn/pnpm.
npm i innovators
yarn add innovators
pnpm install innovators
If you have installed the library, you can create a JavaScript file and fill it with the following code.
const { Client } = require("innovators");
const client = new Client({ sessionName: "mysession" });
client.on("qr", (qr) => {
console.log("QR RECEIVED " + qr)
client.on("ready", (msg) => console.log(msg));
client.on("message", (msg) => {
if (msg.body == "#ping") {
A brief explanation: You need to import the client class from the library and initialize it with the available variable (const client = new Client()
). After that, use events to obtain some data from the WhatsApp server connection.
There are several options available in this library.
/** Client options */
interface ClientOptions {
/** Session name of client */
sessionName: string;
/** If true, the bot can reply their message */
self: boolean;
/** Interval that set of store when the message is stored. Default 10s */
intervalStore: number;
/** Message send options */
interface MessageOptions {
/** If true, all the text/caption of message will be parsed to get the mentions text */
parseMention?: boolean;
/** Send message with mentions with specific jid */
mentions?: string[];
/** If you want to send message with replied/quoted, fill this option with message id */
quotedMsgId?: string;
/** If the content is MessageMedia, it would be recommended */
mimetype?: Mimetype;
/** If the content is MessageMedia, it would be recommended */
caption?: string;
/** Sticker metadata (if it set, the media will be sent as sticker) */
sticker?: StickerData;
/** Extra options */
extra?: any;
For more details, you can refer to index.d.ts.
Example Usage
const { Client, MessageMedia, Location } = require("innovators");
const client = new Client({ sessionName: "baileys_session", self: true });
client.on("qr", (qr) => console.log(qr));
client.on("connecting", (msg) => console.log(msg));
client.on("disconnect", (msg) => {
client.on("ready", (msg) => console.log(msg));
client.on("message", async (msg) => {
// if (!msg || ! return;
const groupInfo = msg.isGroupMsg ? await client.getGroupMetadata(msg.from) : null;
if (msg.body == "#ping") {
return msg.reply(`pong! @${msg.sender.split("@")[0]}`, { parseMention: true });
} else if (msg.body == "#image") {
const media = await MessageMedia.fromUrl("");
return msg.reply(media, { caption: "this is image!", sticker: { name: "asu", author: "kirek" } });
} else if (msg.body == "#video") {
const media = await MessageMedia.fromFilePath("./video.mp4");
return msg.reply(media, { sticker: { name: "initokyolagii", author: "demon" } });
} else if (msg.body == "#download") {
const media = await msg.downloadMediaMessage();
return msg.reply(media, { caption: "this is" });
} else if (msg.body.startsWith("#sticker")) {
let sticker = {};
const stickerData = msg.body.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ")?.split("|") || [];
if (stickerData.length > 0) { = stickerData[0]; = stickerData[1];
const media = msg.hasQuotedMsg ? await (await msg.getMessageQuoted()).downloadMediaMessage() : await msg.downloadMediaMessage();
return msg.reply(media, { sticker });
} else if (msg.body == "#getQuoted") {
const message = await msg.getMessageQuoted();
return msg.reply(message.body);
} else if (msg.body == "#groupInfo") {
let text = `*Subject:* ${groupInfo.subject}`;
text += `\n*Owner:* @${groupInfo.owner?.split("@")[0] || "Unknown"}`;
text += `\n*Description:*\n${groupInfo.description}`;
return msg.reply(text, { parseMention: true });
} else if (
msg.body.startsWith("#add") ||
msg.body.startsWith("#kick") ||
msg.body.startsWith("#promote") ||
) {
const isAdmin = groupInfo?.participants?.some((x) => x.jid == msg.sender && x.isAdmin);
const participants = msg.body.split(" ").slice(1).map((x) => `${x}`);
const command = msg.body.split(" ").shift().slice(1).toLowerCase();
if (isAdmin) {
return groupInfo.changeGroupParticipants(
command == "kick" ? "remove" : command
} else if (msg.body.startsWith("#subject") || msg.body.startsWith("#desc")) {
const isAdmin = groupInfo?.participants?.some((x) => x.jid == msg.sender && x.isAdmin);
const content = msg.body.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ");
const command = msg.body.split(" ").shift().slice(1).toLowerCase();
if (isAdmin) {
return groupInfo.updateGroup(
command == "desc" ? "description" : command
} else if (msg.body.startsWith("#location")) {
const q = msg.body.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ");
if (q) {
const [latitude, longitude, description] = q.split("|");
const location = new Location(latitude, longitude, description);
return msg.reply(location);
} else if (msg.body == "#close") {
await client.close();
return process.exit(1);
/* client.on("group_participants_update", async (update) => {
if (!update) return;
const groupInfo = await client.getGroupMetadata(update.groupId);
if (update.type == "add") {
return client.sendMessage(update.groupId, `Welcome to *${groupInfo.subject}*`);
} else if (update.type == "remove") {
return client.sendMessage(update.groupId, `Goodbye from *${groupInfo.subject}*`);
} else if (update.type == "demote") {
return client.sendMessage(update.groupId, `We loss one admin in *${groupInfo.subject}*`);
} else if (update.type == "promote") {
return client.sendMessage(update.groupId, `New admin in *${groupInfo.subject}*`);
}) */
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