Core ecom rnd lib
innots is a wrapper around koa framework and some popular koa middlewares for quick app init and bootstrap.
First of all module is designed to use with typescript and it's async await implementation but you can also use it with plain javascript.
import {InnotsApp, Context} from 'innots';
const app = new InnotsApp({
port: 9080
app.route('post', '/test', async (ctx: Context, next: () => any): Promise<void> => {
ctx.body = 1;
await next();
app.bootstrap().then(() => {
console.log('Server started');
You can also define validation middleware in route method (validation is powered by joi library):
((joi) => {
return joi.object().keys({
testField: joi.string().trim().email().required(),
testQueryField: joi.number().integer()
async (ctx: Context, next: () => any): Promise<void> => {
// you can access your data by ctx.validatedData (.camelCase or .originalCase) parameter
await next();
InnotsApp class
new InnotsApp(config: IAppConfig, router?: Router, customMiddlewares?: IAppMiddlewares)
Constructs new http server (powered by koa framework) with pre-defined built in router and middlewares.
config: IAppConfig
An object for configuring built in middlewares.
host?: string; // listening host, e.g. 'localhost'
port: number; // listening port
jwt?: { // config for jwt middleware (jwt middleware is enabled if config exists)
secret: string; // jwt secret
publicPath: string; // regexp for public paths (not protected by jwt)
prefix?: string; // prefix before token in auth header (e.g JWT in "JWT <token>", or "Bearer" in "Bearer <token>")
cors?: { // CORS is enabled by default, you can edit it by providing this config param
enabled: boolean; // enable/disable CORS
origin: string; // Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
credentials: string; // Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header
userAgent?: boolean; // Enable or disable userAgent processing middleware
enableLogMiddleware?: boolean; // Enable or disable request info logging middleware
router?: Router
An instance of koa-router (you can use it if you don't want to use built in router)
customMiddlewares: IAppMiddlewares
An object with your own custom implementations if middlewares (if you don't want to use built in middlewares):
bodyParser?: Middleware; // bodyParser middleware - defaults to koa-bodyparser
log?: Middleware;
error?: Middleware;
jwt?: Middleware;
cors?: Middleware;
userAgent?: Middleware;
success?: Middleware;
app.route(method: string, url: string, joiSchemaGenerator: TJoiSchemaGenerator, ...actions: IMiddleware[]): void
app.route(method: string, url: string, ...actions: IMiddleware[]): void
Defines middleware for processing request.
async (ctx: Context, next: () => any): Promise<void> => {
ctx.body = true
await next();
You can also make validation middleware here:
((joi) => {
return joi.object().keys({
testField: joi.string().trim().email().required(),
testQueryField: joi.number().integer()
async (ctx: Context, next: () => any): Promise<void> => {
// you can access your data by ctx.validatedData parameter
await next();
app.bootstrap(): Promise
Starts your app with defined routes and middlewares.