A tool for generating randomly created CSS3 gradients
Infinite Gradients
An HTML experiment built on React for generating randomly created CSS3 gradients (both linear and radial).
Infinite Gradients comes in 3 forms ( a website, a command line utility, and a node.js library ).
The website is built on React, and allows you to pause and start an infinite stream of gradients. You can toggle features on and off by clicking on items in the header. You can lock features such as:
- linear gradients: angle, speed, offset, colors 1-4
- radial gradients: position X & Y, speed, offset, colors 1-4
You can toggle the random generation on and off by clicking either the mouse button, or by hitting your spacebar.
Website Keyboard Controls
| Feature | Toggle Key | Description | |:----------:|:----------:|----------------------------------------------------------| | Status | Space Bar | Pauses all features so you can look at the gradient | | Type | T | Toggles between 'linear' and 'radial' gradients | | Offset | O | Moves the offset of the gradient | | Speed | S or 0-9 | Determines how fast the offset changes | | Angle | A | Determines the angle (in degrees) of the linear gradient | | X Position | X | Determines the x-origin of the radial gradient | | Y Position | Y | Determines the y-origin of the radial gradient | | Color 1 | V | Locks/Unlocks Color 1 from being randomly generated | | Color 2 | B | Locks/Unlocks Color 1 from being randomly generated | | Color 3 | N | Locks/Unlocks Color 1 from being randomly generated | | Color 4 | M | Locks/Unlocks Color 1 from being randomly generated | | Randomize | R | Randomizes the current settings
Command Line Utility
Infinite Gradients is available as a command line tool that outputs random (or specific) CSS gradient functions. You can install it by running:
npm install -g infinite-gradients
After installation, you will have a global executable called infinite-gradients
To print help information, run: infinite-gradients --help
Usage: infinite-gradients [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
-t, --type <type> type of gradient: linear or radial
-a, --angle <angle> angle of linear gradient in degrees (0-360)
-x, --x <x> x coordinate of radial gradient center (% between 0-1)
-y, --y <y> y coordinate of radial gradient center (% between 0-1)
-o, --offset <offset> the offset of the gradient (between 0-100)
-c, --colors <colors> a list of 4 css colors
Generate a random gradient:
$ infinite-gradients
linear-gradient(303.6deg, #c621e9 -26.73%, #1ab128 73.27%, #3366ae 173.27%, #0eac81 273.27%)
Do it again and it's different:
$ infinite-gradients
radial-gradient(circle at 52.7% 59.0%, #debe11 -60.07%, #fcf501 39.93%, #ecae8f 139.93%, #23f5d1 239.93%)
Now you can make sure that it's a linear gradient:
$infinite-gradients --type linear
linear-gradient(239.2deg, #35cdca -13.53%, #2bc3bf 86.47%, #8146cb 186.47%, #ae06f9 286.47%)
Now you can specify the colors and angle:
$ infinite-gradients --type linear --angle 55.4 --colors 123123,ff00ff,9911f5,a36b3f
linear-gradient(55.4deg, #123123 -39.68%, #ff00ff 60.32%, #9911f5 160.32%, #a36b3f 260.32%)
Node JS Library
You can use the infinite-gradients functions within node by running:
npm install --save infinite-gradients
and including the library in your code:
var infiniteGradients = require('infinite-gradients');
The Infinite Gradients library contains a few functions for generating gradients, and a few helper functions that may or may not be useful to you.
The API is described below:
Converts from radians to degrees
radians: , the value in radians
Returns: , the value in degrees
infiniteGradients.toDegrees(Math.PI); // returns: 180
infiniteGradients.toDegrees(0); // returns: 0
infiniteGradients.getAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Get the angle between 2 points with x/y coordinates
x1: , the x coordinate of point 1
y1: , the y coordinate of point 1
x2: , the x coordinate of point 2
y2: , the y coordinate of point 2
Returns: , the angle in degrees
infiniteGradients.getAngle(0,0,0,1); // returns: 90
infiniteGradients.getAngle(0,0,10,10); // returns 45
infiniteGradients.getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Get the distance between 2 points with x/y coordinates
x1: , the x coordinate of point 1
y1: , the y coordinate of point 1
x2: , the x coordinate of point 2
y2: , the y coordinate of point 2
Returns: , the distance between the 2 points
infiniteGradients.getDistance(0,0,10,10); // returns: 14.142135623730951
infiniteGradients.getDistance(0,0,0,5); // returns: 5
Convert a decimal to hexidecimal format. pads to at least 2 digits.
num: , The number in decimal format
Returns: , the number converted to hexidecimal format
infiniteGradients.toHex(255); // returns: 'ff'
infiniteGradients.toHex(11); // returns: '0b'
infiniteGradients.floatBetween(min, max)
Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)
min: , the minimum number (inclusive)
max: , the maximum number (exclusive)
Returns: , a random float between min and max
infiniteGradients.floatBetween(20,21); // returned: 20.045959329465404
infiniteGradients.floatBetween(0,100); // returned: 77.16259211301804
infiniteGradients.intBetween(min, max)
Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive)
min: , the minimum number (inclusive)
max: , the maximum number (inclusive)
Returns: , a random integer between min and max
infiniteGradients.intBetween(50,55); // returned: 52
infiniteGradients.intBetween(0,100); // returned: 86
Return a random RGB color in hex format
Returns: , a random RGB color in hex string format
infiniteGradients.randomColor(); // returned: '#97b0ee'
infiniteGradients.randomColor(); // returned: '#5bb023'
infiniteGradients.getRadialGradient(colors, offset, x, y)
Gets a radial gradient CSS function as a string
colors: , Gets a radial gradient CSS function as a string
offset: , Gets a radial gradient CSS function as a string
x: , Gets a radial gradient CSS function as a string
y: , Gets a radial gradient CSS function as a string
Returns: , a radial gradient CSS function as a string
// returns: 'radial-gradient(circle at 2.1% 33.5%, #ff0000 -75.00%, #286554 25.00%, #0000ff 125.00%, #9619e2 225.00%)'
infiniteGradients.getRadialGradient(['red','#286554','blue','#9619e2'], 25, .021, .335);
infiniteGradients.getLinearGradient(colors, offset, angle)
Gets a linear gradient CSS function as a string
colors: , Gets a linear gradient CSS function as a string
offset: , Gets a linear gradient CSS function as a string
angle: , Gets a linear gradient CSS function as a string
Returns: , a linear gradient CSS function as a string
// returns: 'linear-gradient(142.3deg, #ff0000 -75.00%, #286554 25.00%, #0000ff 125.00%, #9619e2 225.00%)'
infiniteGradients.getLinearGradient(['red','#286554','blue','#9619e2'], 25, 142.3);
Source Code
For Developers
Clone the Project
git clone
cd infinite-gradients
Install the Dependencies
npm install
Run the Application (and watch for changes)
Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8080/infinite-gradients
Copyright (c) 2015 skratchdot
Licensed under the MIT license.