Form library for inferno
The goal of this project is to create a bootstrap 4 compatible form generation library for Inferno.js using isomorphic-schema definitions.
Currently maintained versions
inferno-formlib 7.x supports Inferno v7 inferno-formlib 5.x supports Inferno v5
Example With Sticky Action Bar
This is the basic anatomy of a form generated with inferno-formlib. It can generate nested forms from isomorphic-schema form definitions and list fields support drag'n'drop reordering.
import { Component } from 'inferno'
// Imports to define form schema
import { Schema } from 'isomorphic-schema'
import TextField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/TextField'
import DateField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/DateField'
// Register widgets
import 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/InputField'
import 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/DateField'
// Form generation
import { FormRows } from 'inferno-formlib'
import { ActionBar } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/ActionBar'
// Some useful Bootstrap components
import Form from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Form/Form'
import Button from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Button'
import Row from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Row'
import Col from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Col'
const formSchema = new Schema('Form Schema', {
title: new TextField({
label: 'Race Name'
startDate: new DateField({
label: 'Start Date'
class FormEdit extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.didChange = this.didChange.bind(this)
this.doSubmit = this.doSubmit.bind(this)
this.state = {
validationErrors: undefined,
isMounted: false, // Prevents animations on mounting of form
value: {}
componentDidMount () {
isMounted: true
didChange (propName, value) {
const newValue = this.state.value
newValue[propName] = value
value: newValue
doSubmit (e) {
const validationErrors = formSchema.validate(this.state.value)
if (validationErrors === undefined) {
// TODO: Submit form to API
} else {
// TODO: Show error message
render () {
return (
<Form onSubmit={this.doSubmit}>
<h2>My Form</h2>
<ActionBar boundary={{top: 0, bottom: 0}}>
<Button type="submit" color="success">Save</Button>
.InfernoFormlib-ActionBar {
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
z-index: 1;
padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
width: 100%;
border-top: 1px solid #777;
.InfernoFormlib-StickyActionBar {
position: fixed;
.InfernoFormlib-ActionBar--hidden {
visibility: hidden;
.InfernoFormlib-StickyActionBar--hidden {
display: none;
Form Demos
To see form demos:
$ git clone [email protected]:jhsware/inferno-formlib.git
$ cd inferno-formlib
$ npm i && npm run build-test
$ node test/browser/server.js
You can now access the examples in your browser at http://localhost:8080
The package generates your form rows and calls an onChange handler whenever the form is updated.
$ npm i -S inferno-formlib isomorphic-schema component-registry
To use the components without requiring transpilation you import from the /dist
import { FormRows } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/FormRows'
You can get a nicer debugging experience by importing your components from the original source code in the /lib
directory. However this requires that you transpile node_module/inferno-formlib
imports and add the contents of the .babelrc config file from this repos to your project:
import { FormRows } from 'inferno-formlib/lib/FormRows'
You will find a working webpack.config file in the folder test/browser
. Don't forget to add your .babelrc
file and babel package devDepencies.
Another Example
More examples can be found at
You will find some standard form css if you look at
Animations are done with
import { Component } from 'inferno'
// Form schema definition
import { Schema } from 'isomorphic-schema'
import TextField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/TextField'
import EmailField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/EmailField'
import IntegerField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/IntegerField'
import TextAreaField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/TextAreaField'
// Widgets need to be imported so they can be found by inferno-formlib
// we import them one-by-one to reduce bundle size.
import 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/InputField'
import 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/TextAreaField'
import 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/FormRow'
import { FormRows } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/FormRows'
// Some bootstrap stuff...
import Button from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Button'
import Col from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Col'
import Form from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Form/Form'
import Row from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Row'
const formSchema = new Schema('Form Schema', {
title: new TextField({
label: 'Title',
placeholder: 'Type here...',
required: true
email: new EmailField({
label: 'E-mail',
placeholder: '[email protected]',
required: true
age: new IntegerField({
label: 'Age',
placeholder: 'i.e. 16',
required: true
bio: new TextAreaField({
label: 'Bio',
placeholder: 'Type here...',
help: 'This <b>will be</b> rendered as HTML',
required: true
export default class FormSection extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
value: {},
validationError: undefined
this.didChange = this.didChange.bind(this)
this.doSubmit = this.doSubmit.bind(this)
doSubmit (e) {
const errors = formSchema.validate(this.state.value)
validationError: errors
didChange (propName, value) {
const val = this.state.value
val[propName] = value
value: val
// This is where you would call this.props.onChange
render () {
return (
<Form onSubmit={this.doSubmit}>
onChange={this.didChange} />
<Button type="submit">Save</Button>
Customising How Rows are Rendered
This example shows how you create a character limit counter for text fields. You do this by customising how the row is rendered by means of a row widget adapter. The row widget adapter is registered in the globalRegistry and will override the existing generic row widget used to render text input fields.
Note that this approach will override the look and feel of all TextField rows.
import { Component } from 'inferno'
import { findDOMNode } from 'inferno-extras'
import { Adapter, globalRegistry } from 'component-registry'
import { interfaces, i18n } from 'isomorphic-schema'
import { IFormRowWidget } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/interfaces'
import { ErrorMsg, HelpMsg, Label } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/FormRow'
import { animateOnAdd, animateOnRemove } from 'inferno-animation'
import FormText from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Form/FormText'
import FormGroup from 'inferno-bootstrap/dist/Form/FormGroup'
import { renderString } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/common'
function CharsLeft (props) {
const outp = renderString(i18n('isomorphic-schema--field_charactersLeft'), props.options && props.options.lang, 'Tecken kvar: ${charsLeft}')
const color = (props.charsLeft < 0 ? 'danger' : undefined)
return <FormText muted color={color} className="CharsLeft" for={}>{outp.replace('${charsLeft}', props.charsLeft)}</FormText>
- animation: animation css class prefix
- submitted: bool, has been submitted
- field: isomorphic-schema field validator object
- errors: isomorphic-schema field and server error object { fieldErrors, serverErrors } or undefined if no errors
- id: unique id of field
class Row extends Component {
// TODO: Add animation support
// support required
componentDidMount () {
if (this.props.formIsMounted) {
animateOnAdd(findDOMNode(this), 'InfernoFormlib-Row--Animation')
componentWillUnmount () {
animateOnRemove(findDOMNode(this), 'InfernoFormlib-Row--Animation')
render () {
const field = this.props.adapter.context
const value = this.props.value
let charsLeft
if (field._maxLength) {
charsLeft = (typeof value === 'string' ? field._maxLength - value.length : field._maxLength)
return (
<FormGroup id={this.props.namespace.join('.') + '__Row'}>
{field.label && <Label id={}>{field.label}</Label>}
<div className="InfernoFormlib-RowFieldContainer">
{this.props.validationError ? <ErrorMsg field={field} validationError={this.props.validationError} submitted={this.props.submitted} /> : null}
{(charsLeft !== undefined) && <CharsLeft charsLeft={charsLeft} />}
{ && <HelpMsg field={field} text={} required={field._isRequired} />}
new Adapter({
implements: IFormRowWidget,
adapts: interfaces.ITextField,
Component: Row
i18n Support
To add translations, you can add a translation utility which implements ITranslationUtil. Use string template style variables to output options from the field definition.
import { interfaces } from 'inferno-formlib'
import { Utility } from 'component-registry'
export default new Utility({
implements: interfaces.ITranslationUtil,
message (label, lang) {
// Use 'en' as fallback language
const langDict = lang[lang] || lang['en']
// Use label as fallback string
return langDict[label] || label
/* eslint-disable */
var en = {
'isomorphic-schema--field_required': 'Required',
'isomorphic-schema--text_field_too_short': 'The text is too short. Min ${minLength} chars.'
var sv = {
'isomorphic-schema--field_required': 'Obligatorisk',
'isomorphic-schema--text_field_too_short': 'Texten är för kort. Minst ${minLength} tecken.'
var fr = {
'isomorphic-schema--field_required': 'Obligatoire',
'isomorphic-schema--text_field_too_short': 'Le texte est trop court. Au moins ${minLength} caractères.'
var lang = { en, sv, fr }
Creating a Widget
For now, check the code at
Creating an AutoComplete Widget
There is an AutoComplete wudget that you can use as a base for your own autocomplete. First
you need to create a new isomorphic-schema
field. We are assuming that the underlying value
is an object that has the form:
const obj = {
id: 'asdfg',
theTitle: 'Yada Yada'
The data flows through the widget and field like this:
Value passed to field widget:
props.value -> field.toFormattedString() -> state.text ...
Value rendered in field widget input control:
state.text -> input.value
Option selected from list:
getOptions -> options -> select an option -> field.fromString() -> props.onChange() -> props.value ...
Text entered in input control:
onInput() -> -> state.text -> input
import { globalRegistry, createObjectPrototype, createInterface } from 'component-registry'
import axios from 'axios'
import DynamicSelectAsyncBaseField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/DynamicSelectAsyncBaseField'
import TextField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/TextField'
import ObjectField from 'isomorphic-schema/lib/field_validators/ObjectField'
import { Schema } from 'isomorphic-schema';
import AutoComplete from 'inferno-formlib/dist/widgets/AutoComplete'
import { IInputFieldWidget } from 'inferno-formlib/dist/interfaces'
export const IMySelectAsyncField = createInterface({
name: 'IMySelectAsyncField'
const userSchema = new Schema('User Schema', {
id: new TextField({}),
theTitle: new TextField({})
export const MySelectAsyncField = createObjectPrototype({
implements: [IMySelectAsyncField],
extends: [DynamicSelectAsyncBaseField],
constructor (options) {, options)
this.valueType = new ObjectField({
schema: userSchema,
required: true
validateAsync (inp, options, context) {
const promise =, inp)
return promise.then(function (error) {
if (error) {
return Promise.resolve(error)
} else {
// We could validate the data further here by this.valueType.validate(inp),
// but skipping because the value is selected and we don't have any fancy
// validation rules ATM. You could also go one step further and check that
// the value actually exists in your backend. Just make sure you don't kill your
// backend API...
return Promise.resolve(undefined)
getOptionsAsync (inp, options, context) {
// This should return a list of objects [{ name: 'maps to', 'title': 'maps to obj.theTitle'}]
return axios.get('https://some.url/endpoint/to/options', {q:}).then((res) => return
getOptionTitleAsync (inp, options, context) {
return this.getOptionsAsync(inp, options, context)
.then(user => {
const find = user.find(x => === inp)
return Promise.resolve(find.title)
}).catch(err => {
return Promise.reject(undefined)
toFormattedString (inp) {
// Convert data from data model to internal representation
if (inp) {
return {
title: inp.theTitle
fromString (inp) {
// Convert data from selected value in dropdown list to
// object value in data model
if (inp) {
return {
theTitle: inp.title
new Adapter({
implements: IInputFieldWidget,
adapts: IMySelectAsyncField,
Component: AutoComplete
Now you can use your new field in form schemas or ObjectPrototype interfaces. NOTE: When rendering forms with async
fields you need to call mySchema.validateAsync
when validating.
Custom Widgets
Custom widgets override whatever standard widget would be rendered for a specific field in form. This is useful if you want a different behaviour for a field in one specific form.
TODO: Explain how to use a custom widget in a form
Manually Created Forms
You can see an example of a manually created form at
TODO: Explain how to use widgets for manual creation of forms
Make sure you have the following in your .babelrc file (you probably do) and allow transpiling of the inferno-formlib node module:
"presets": ["es2015", "stage-0"],
"plugins": [
"imports": true
Dev Notes
main: '', // CommonJS module transpiled to ES5. Can be consumed by webpack or Node.js as is module: '', // ES6 module with import/export but transpiled to ES5 esnext: '', // ES6 code
Side effects: