Neo4j instance manager and version manager
A simple but useful Neo4j instance manager.
Neo4j is a great graph database, however its architecture was designed to work with just one database for each Neo4j server instance. This issue could be a problem when we are developing an application with an environment for testing and developing, or just when we are creating or serving two or more applications.
Ineo figure out this issue allowing to manage different Neo4j instances on different ports.
- Bash. Installed by default on OS X and Ubuntu
- Curl. Installed by default on OS X and Ubuntu
- Java. In order to start the Neo4j server
Execute the line bellow on your terminal:
curl -sSL | bash -s install
Restart your terminal or execute the line bellow:
source ~/.bashrc
How to use
Create an instance
Imagine that you need a database for an application called my_db:
$ ineo create my_db
The instance my_db was created successfully
Show instance information
Show the information about the recently instance created:
$ ineo instances
> instance 'my_db'
VERSION: 2.2.2
PATH: /home_path/.ineo/instances/my_db
PORT: 7474
HTTPS: 7475
Ineo downloaded the last available version of Neo4j and created an instance database ready to use on the port 7474 and 7475 for ssl.
Start instance
Start the database instance for using
$ ineo start my_db
start 'my_db'
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [19773]... waiting for server to be ready....... OK.
http://localhost:7474/ is ready.
Show instance status
Show the status of the database instance
$ ineo status my_db
status 'my_db'
Neo4j Server is running at pid 19773
Stop instance
Stop the database instance
$ ineo stop my_db
status 'my_db'
Neo4j Server is running at pid 19773
Restart instance
It's also possible to restart a database instance
$ ineo restart my_db
Using with multiple instances
The main objetive of Ineo is managing different Neo4j instances.
Create an instance with a specific port
Imagine that you want to create an instance for testing. This should be created with another http port, so both instances can be running simultaneously.
$ ineo create -p8486 my_db_test
The instance my_db_test was successfully created
Now, when you show the information about instances, you see:
$ ineo instances
> instance 'my_db'
VERSION: 2.2.2
PATH: /home_path/.ineo/instances/my_db
PORT: 7474
HTTPS: 7475
> instance 'my_db_test'
VERSION: 2.2.2
PATH: /home_path/.ineo/instances/my_db_test
PORT: 8486
HTTPS: 8487
Start multiple instances
All instances can be started using the command start
without an instance name.
$ ineo start
WARNING: A Neo4j instance name is not specified!
Are you sure you want to start all instances? (y/n) y
start 'my_db'
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [20790]... waiting for server to be ready....... OK.
http://localhost:7474/ is ready.
start 'my_db_test'
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [20930]... waiting for server to be ready....... OK.
http://localhost:8485/ is ready.
Show status for multiple instances
It's possible to show the status of all instances using the command stop
without instance name.
$ ineo status
status 'my_db'
Neo4j Server is running at pid 20790
status 'my_db_test'
Neo4j Server is running at pid 20930
Stop multiple instances
All instances can be stopped using the command stop
without instance name.
$ ineo stop
WARNING: A Neo4j instance name is not specified!
Are you sure you want to stop all instances? (y/n) y
stop 'my_db'
Stopping Neo4j Server [20790].... done
stop 'my_db_test'
Stopping Neo4j Server [20930].... done
Restart multiple instance
It's also possible to restart multiple instances using the command restart
without instance name.
$ ineo restart
Changing the port
You can change the port to a specific instance.
$ ineo set-port my_db 9494
The ssl port as well.
$ ineo set-port -s my_db 9494
Installing a specific version
The command create
always uses the last Neo4j version available of the current Ineo version installed. However is possible to specify another version using the option -v
ineo create -v 2.1.8
The command versions
The command versions
shows all Neo4j versions available for installing.
$ ineo versions
The command install
There is a command to install Ineo. Use this command only if you don't have already installed Ineo.
$ ineo install
Installing in a specific directory
Ineo is installed in $HOME/.ineo
by default, however is possible to specify another directory using the option -d
$ install -d ~/.ineo-custom-path
If you are installing from curl:
$ curl -sSL | bash -s install -d ~/.ineo-custom-path
Help and other commands
Just typing ineo
you can get a briew description of every Ineo command.
$ ineo help
ineo <command> [options] [<arguments>]
create Create a new instance with a specific <name>
set-port Change the port of a specific instance <name>
versions Show the Neo4j versions available for installing
instances Show the information about the installed instances
start Start Neo4j instances
stop Stop Neo4j instances
restart Restart Neo4j instances
status Show instances status
shell Start the shell for a Neo4j instance
console Start a Neo4j instance in mode console
delete-db Delete all data of a specific instance <name>
destroy Remove a specific instance <name>
install Install ineo
update Update ineo
uninstall Uninstall ineo
help Show this help or help for specific [command]
Help for a specific command
Using ineo help [command]
you can get the help for a specific command:
$ ineo help start
start [options] [instance_names ...]
Start one or more Neo4j instances
[instance_names ...] Name of one or more instances to start (optional)
If this argument is not specified then ineo tries
to start all created instances
-q Start the instances without confirmation
Tested on
- OS X
- Ubuntu
Feel free to make suggestions. Use issues for that.
Any issue on
Code contributions are welcome. The rules are:
- Fork the repository
- Always add or modify the test on
- Use correctly indentation (2 spaces) and name conventions
- Pull request
Copyright © 2015 Carlos Forero
Ineo is released under the MIT License.