This is the INDRA IPS Cordova plugin
INDRA IPS Cordova Plugin 3.2.4
This is the Cordova Plugin for INDRA IPS Platform designed to Cordova hybrid mobile applications.
To add the last version to your project:
cordova plugin add indra-ips-cordova-plugin --save
Once you have it added to your Cordova application, you will need to start it. In order to do it, you should insert into your javascript:
$ionicPlatform.ready(function () {
var credentials = {
username: '<username>',
password: '<password>'
var client = {
name: '<client name>',
appInfo: '<application info>'
// environment => it will point to a Newton environment (default: prod)
ips.start(credentials, client, environment, successCallback, failureCallback);
var successCallback = function (result) {
// This is the success callback function that runs after INDRA IPS has been initialized.
// The 'result' parameter receives the events
var failureCallback = function (err) {
// The 'err' returns the error message occurred during the INDRA IPS initialization
To update please follow the steps: Step 1: cordova plugin remove indra-ips-cordova-plugin Step 2: cordova plugin add indra-ips-cordova-plugin --save
To add previous versions to your project:
cordova plugin add [email protected] --save
If you want to fixed a major version and always get last minor version:
cordova plugin add indra-ips-cordova-plugin@~2 --save
Also you can fixed major and minor versions and always get last patch versions:
cordova plugin add indra-ips-cordova-plugin@~2.9 --save