Stylesheets and Javascript supporting HTML output from the Indigo platform.
Indigo Web
Stylesheets for use with HTML documents published using the Indigo platform. They make Akoma Ntoso documents look beautiful.
First, wrap your Akoma Ntoso HTML content with the .akoma-ntoso
class, such as:
<div class="akoma-ntoso">...</div>
Second, include the CSS as described below.
From CDN
Use the assets directly from the jsDelivr CDN:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[email protected]/css/indigo-web.min.css">
From your server
Install indigo-web using npm:
$ npm install indigo-web
Then use either the compiled CSS:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="indigo-web/css/indigo-web.min.css">
Or use the SCSS files:
@import 'indigo-web/scss/indigo-web';
GitHub actions will automatically build and commit changes when they are merged to the master branch. To build changes manually:
npm install
npm run build
git add css/*
To run screenshot-based tests:
- npm run test
Release process
- update VERSION
- update version in
- update version in URL in README
- update Version History (below)
- test:
npm run test
- commit your changes and merge them into master via a Pull Request
- GitHub will build and commit the compiled CSS onto the master branch
- tag and release a new release on the master branch using the GitHub releases UI
- GitHub will automatically publish the package to NPM
Version history
8.1.2 (17 June 2022)
- Styling for
AKN element
8.1.1 (18 May 2022)
- Show table border for Kenya (KE) AKN styles
8.1.0 (12 January 2022)
- Styling for
AKN elements
8.0.0 (8 December 2021)
- Tradition styling for Kenyan judgments
- Improved footnote styling
- Hierarchical numbered elements using padding not margin, so that show-structure works a bit better
7.0.0 (?)
- NEW: Scroll tables horizontally on small displays
- NEW: Explicitly style all AKN hierarchical container elements
- Collapse table borders
- Improved mixins to support better re-use
- Test suite
6.0.0 (15 November 2021)
- Move all styling into mixins, so other libraries can include our mixins and include them in their own top-level selectors
- Replace ruby sass with npm sass
5.2.1 (27 October 2021)
- Bulleted lists
5.2.0 (31 May 2021)
- Namibia (na) formatting
5.1.1 (23 March 2021)
- Support for commencement note on coverpage
5.1.0 (12 October 2020)
- Support for footnotes
- Support for embeddedStructures
- Support for headings for subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs
5.0.0 (4 June 2020)
This version assumes AKN 3.0 documents from Indigo.
- Attachments (schedules) should not have italicised headings
4.0.0 (21 April 2020)
- BREAKING: akoma-ntoso.scss is now indigo-web.scss
- BREAKING: akoma-ntoso.css is now indigo-web.css
3.13.0 (15 April 2020)
- Cross headings in KE aren't italicised
3.12.0 (20 March 2020)
- Styling for parent work title on generated coverpage
3.11.0 (25 February 2020)
- Styling for commencement dates on generated coverpage
3.10.0 (23 January 2020)
- Styling for .place-name in generated coverpage
3.9.0 (3 December 2019)
- Utilities for aligning text:
3.8.0 (16 October 2019)
- Added Kenya (KE) styling
- KE: remarks are not italicised, and single-line remarks are centered
3.7.0 (4 October 2019)
- Styling for new .as-at-date-notice element on generated coverpage
- Split out generated coverpage styling into separate file
3.6.1 (19 September 2019)
- Explicit styling for crossHeading elements (italics)
- hcontainer elements are block elements
- Reduce spacing between schedule title and headings
3.5.0 (17 July 2019)
- Explicit font for h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 tags
3.4.0 (16 July 2019)
- Styling for new generated verification notice in coverpages
3.3.0 (7 June 2019)
- Include a small amount of whitespace after very long outdented numbers to prevent clashing with text when the numbers are wide
3.2.0 (1 May 2019)
- display .akn-p elements as blocks with paragraph spacing
- last child in table cell mustn't have padding
3.1.0 (23 April 2019)
- longTitle is a block element with padding beneath it
3.0.0 (22 April 2019)
- Correctly support overriding SCSS variables
- Add PT Serif from Google Fonts as a font fallback. This better supports print environments and Linux systems.
2.0.0 (28 March 2019)
- Show .akn-paragraph as a block
- Show .akn-longTitle in bold
- Don't indent .akn-subsection and .akn-paragraph if they have .akn--no-indent
- Moved away from custom CDN, use jsdelivr instead.
1.0.1 (22 May 2018)
- Minor fixes
1.0.0 (22 May 2018)
- Support for country-specific traditions
- Polish tradition
- Moved to npm in favour of bower
0.1.3 (22 October 2017)
- Styling for images
0.1.2 (19 March 2017)
- Styling for rendering commencement and assent notices as list items, not headings.
0.1.1 (19 March 2016)
- Bump base font size to 15px to improve legibility with serif fonts.
0.1.0 (19 March 2016)
- Initial release
Licensed under an MIT license.