fake future-looking risk-reward 'oracle' indicator for evaluating/backtesting quant strategies. does *not* actually predict/forecast future.
fake future-looking risk-reward 'oracle' indicator for evaluating/backtesting quant strategies. does not actually predict/forecast future.
experimental, use at your own risk.
npm i indicator-rr-oracle
var candles = require('candles-sample-aapl').loadNMinuteCandles(60).slice(50);
var calculateRR = require('indicator-rr-oracle').calculateRR;
var periods = 15;
// calculateRR(candles, periods=15, rrLimit = 50, includeRecentNCandles = false)
candles = calculateRR(candles, periods);
console.log(candles.slice(-16)[0]); //note that by default the last 15 candles dont get augmented, so we take the 16th from the end
// {
// date: '2022-11-30T19:00:00.000Z',
// open: 144.42,
// high: 146.445,
// low: 144.41,
// close: 146.03,
// bid: 144.4,
// ask: 144.42,
// volume: 16329318,
// nSrcCandles: 60,
// rr_15: {
// futurePriceFraction: 1.0132164623707458, //future/current
// futurePriceFractionLog2: 0.01894242273519241, //log2 of above
// futurePrice_STD: 0.7061739718158029, //(future - current)/std
// futureSMA: 147.3204022222222,
// futureSMAFraction: 1.0088365556544696,
// futureSMAFractionLog2: 0.01269245844124413,
// futureSMA_STD: 0.8181096109409057,
// futureLowHigh: [ 145.79, 148.9805 ],
// futureLowHighFraction: [ 0.9983565020886118, 1.020204752448127 ],
// futureLowHighFractionLog2: [ -0.0023730168451682747, 0.02885872640951597 ],
// futureVWAP: 147.37543494720225,
// futureVWAPFraction: 1.0092134146901475,
// futureVWAPFractionLog2: 0.013231288179056746,
// futureVWAP_STD: 0.8530001283680241,
// lossGainAbsolute: [ -0.2400000000000091, 2.9505000000000052 ],
// lossGainSTD: [ -0.15215899604364846, 1.8706046576115358 ],
// lossGainNormalized: [ -0.0016434979113881332, 0.020204752448127132 ],
// lossGainFraction: [ 0.9983565020886118, 1.020204752448127 ],
// lossGainFractionLog2: [ -0.0023730168451682747, 0.02885872640951597 ],
// riskReward: 12.293749999999555,
// riskRewardLog2: 3.6198531473911157,
// futureHighIndex: 2,
// futureLowIndex: 10,
// stdPast: 1.5772974733032707
// }
// }
//the rest of this code is just for charting ...
//quickly chart the result by adding the indicator
// to the price of the first candle in the chart
var {drawChartForCandles,saveChartForCandles} = require('ohlc-chart-simple');
candles =,index){
//add shifted sqrt of signal to the graph as an indicator
var signalRR = candles[0].close + Math.sqrt(candle.rr_15.riskReward);
//var signalRR = candles[0].close + candle.rr_15.riskRewardLog2;
var signalRR1 = candles[0].close + 1; //break-even line
candle.indicators = {
"RR15_LINE": signalRR,
"RR15_LINE_color": [0,0,255],
"RR15_LINE_thickness": 0,
"RR15_1LINE": signalRR1,
"RR15_1LINE_color": [0,0,0],
"RR15_1LINE_thickness": 0,
return candle;
var config = {
w: Math.floor(1024/2),
h: Math.floor(700/2),
profileBucketsTotal: 64,
profileBucketsWidth: 16,
volumeBarsHeight: 64,
bgColor: [255,255,255],
//alternative to volume profile: arbitrary kernel density histogram
kdePrices:>[c.low, 1]), //[value, weight]
// kdeBandwidthDollars: 0.01,
kdeBandwidthPercent: 1.00,
kdeIsGaussian: true, //false == kernel is triangular
kdeColor: [0,0,255],
skipDrawOhlcBars: false,
skipDrawIndicators: false,
skipDrawLegend: false,
expandLegendText: false,
expandTitle: false,
expandPrice: false,
skipDrawDate: true,
skipDrawPrice: false,
skipDrawPriceBars: false,
title: "AAPL",
filename: "./candlestick-chart.png",
saveChartForCandles(candles, config);
^with sqrt(risk/reward). note that the price-value of the indicator/break-even line is not meaningful.
^with log2(r/r). note that the price-value of the indicator/break-even line is not meaningful.