A front-end log tool based on IndexDB
This is a small logger implemented with index-db, originally based on idb.
npm install indexdb-log
Set log
import IDBLog from 'indexdb-log'
const logger = new IDBLog(config)
logger.setLog('ERROR', { hello: 'world' })
// Same as logger.setLog('INFO', { hello: 'world' }){ hello: 'world' })
// Same as logger.setLog('ERROR', { hello: 'world' })
logger.error({ hello: 'world' })
// Same as logger.setLog('WARN', { hello: 'world' })
logger.warn({ hello: 'world' })
Create logger config
| Name | Description | Type | Default
| ------------------ |:-----------------------------------------:|:----:|:---|
| dbName | The name of indexdb database. | string | log-store
| logStoreName | The name of log store in a database. | string | logs
| metaStoreName | The name of meta data store in a database. | string | meta
| countKey | The name of key which store logs counts. | string | log-count
| dbVersion | Version of database. | number | 1
| exclude | A function to determine whether set a log or not, and return a boolean value. | function | () => false
| duration | The number of seconds to keep logs, the expired logs will be dropped. | number | 2 days (60 * 1000 * 60 * 24 * 2)
| maxCount | Max counts of logs. Oldest logs will be dropped when reached max count. | number | 40 thousand
| consoleLog | Print console log or not when set log | boolean | false
Save log files
onClick={() => logger.saveLogFile(config)}
download logs
Save logs config
| Name | Description | Type | Default
| ------------------ |:-----------------------------------------:|:----:|:---|
| title | The name of log file. | string | Logs${CurrentTimestamp}.txt
| genLog | A function to create log files format. | function |