Quickly create an in-memory Hyperledger Composer instance for testing
In-memory Hyperledger Composer
For testing, you might want to quickly create an in-memory instance of your Business Network in Hyperledger Composer. This NodeJS module enables you to do just that.
Using NPM:
npm install --save-dev in-memory-composer
or, if you're using Yarn:
yarn add --dev in-memory-composer
Importing the module:
const { InMemoryComposer } = require('in-memory-composer')
Create new instance of in-memory composer, and connect to it:
const composer = new InMemoryComposer()
const composerConnection = await composer.connect()
Start a business network from a local path. When writing tests for a business network, you typically want to load the business network from a parent directory of the tests:
const path = require('path')
const networkPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..')
const network = await composerConnection.startBusinessNetwork({ networkPath })
Login as the network admin:
const businessNetworkConnection = await network.connectAdmin()
Login as someone else:
const johnsCard = await network.createCard{ name: 'John Doe' }
const johnsConnection = await network.connect({ card: johnsCard })
Retrieve the Factory associated with the business network:
const factory = network.getFactory()