Tools to compare a few different approaches to determining nearest neighbors.
Imperfect Nearest Neighbor Comparison
This package contains some tools written while comparing different approaches to finding nearest neighbor points in a large dataset. It speeds up the process of generating data sets and then running nearest neighbor searches.
The approaches presently compared:
The approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) package is a C++ library. Here we're using a sample program that comes with the library distribution to run searches. See:
What does this do: it finds the nearest N neighbors to a designated point, approximately, in order of distance. It supposedly doesn't do well above about 20 dimensions.
To setup and run, edit /config/config.js for dimensions and number of rows, then:
node imperfect-nn-comparison ann setup
node imperfect-nn-comparison ann run
MySQL With Indexed Columns
You can perform a constrained search for nearest neighbors in SQL by building an indexed table for your data, one row per point, one column per dimension.
You should probably turn off the MySQL query cache before trying this to avoid potentially misleading results.
What does this do? It looks for all neighbors within a volume around the designated point. So it doesn't specifically find the nearest wherever it might be, nor does it order those it does find.
Not that ordering would be hard once you have the results. The hard part is how to know how big the volume should be, since you have to process all the results from the volume to figure out which are the nearest. This is very dependent on the nature of the data.
To setup and run, edit /config/config.js for dimensions and number of rows, then:
node imperfect-nn-comparison mysql setup
node imperfect-nn-comparison mysql run
These are obviously not apples-to-apples comparisons. The searches are of different forms and data is moved around in different ways: on disk, in memory, and so forth. The sample ANN program reads in data from a file and builds all of its data structures from scratch for each test, while MySQL is using some mix of file system and memory for its data and has already built its indexes before the test is run.
High Level Results
I ran some non-rigorous experiments on a small Digital Ocean virtual SSD drive server with 2G RAM and two CPUs. These notes are here for the purpose of steering expectations, and shouldn't be taken as being in any way accurate.
For 20 dimensions and 10,000 rows:
ANN: ~450-500ms to find 10 nearest neighbors. The time taken doesn't have much of a dependency on the number of nearest neighbors requested.
MySQL: ~40-100ms to find 0-500 close neighbors. Returning more results takes longer, but that's expected with a SQL client: it's looking at more indexes as the search volume is made larger.
For 20 dimensions and 100,000 rows:
ANN: ~4600-5000ms to find 10 nearest neighbors.
MySQL: ~140-200ms to find 0-500 close neighbors. Returning more results takes longer, as before.
For 20 dimensions and 1,000,000 rows:
ANN: ~50000-60000ms to find 10 nearest neighbors.
MySQL: ~900-1100ms to find 0-500 close neighbors. Returning more results takes longer, as before.