Electric Imp IO Plugin for Johnny-Five
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Imp-io is a Firmata-compatibility IO class for writing node programs that interact with Electric Imp devices. Imp-io was built at Bocoup
Getting Started
To communicate with an Electric Imp using Johnny-Five w/ Imp-IO, you will need to upload the special Tyrion agent and device firmware through Electric Imp's IDE. We recommend you review Electric Imp's Getting Started before continuing.
Tyrion Setup
- Follow Electric Imp's Getting Started instructions to set up a wifi connection to your Electric Imp device.
- Once your Imp is setup, open the IDE (familiarize yourself here) and click Create New Model, give it a name and assign it to your device.
- Paste the contents of
into the Agent pane anddevice.nut
into the Device pane: - Expand the Active Model in the column on the left by click on the rightward arrow. The model will appear below, click on the model.
- Click Build and Run to finish preparing your Electric Imp.
Imp-IO Setup
In the Electric Imp IDE, locate and copy the agent id, located in agent url Look for the agent id located in the agent url:
Store your agent ID in a dot file so it can be accessed as a property of process.env
. Create a file in your home directory called .imprc
that contains:
export IMP_AGENT_ID="your agent id"
Then add the following to your dot-rc file of choice:
source ~/.imprc
Blink an Led
The "Hello World" of microcontroller programming:
var Imp = require("imp-io");
var board = new Imp({
agent: process.env.IMP_AGENT_ID
board.on("ready", function() {
this.pinMode(9, this.MODES.OUTPUT);
var byte = 0;
// This will "blink" the on board led
setInterval(function() {
this.digitalWrite(9, (byte ^= 1));
}.bind(this), 1000);
Johnny-Five IO Plugin
Imp-IO can be used as an IO Plugin for Johnny-Five:
var five = require("johnny-five");
var Imp = require("imp-io");
var board = new five.Board({
io: new Imp({
agent: process.env.IMP_AGENT_ID
board.on("ready", function() {
var led = new five.Led(9);
See LICENSE file.