Immutable objects for TypeScript
is a library that provides immutable objects in TypeScript.
An instance of standard TypeScript POJO-like class, such as
export class Book {
constructor(public title: string,
public publicationYear: number) {}
export class Author {
constructor(public name: string,
public books: Book[]) {}
can be converted to immutable using immutable-typescript
in the following way:
import {Immutable, ImmutableUtils} from "immutable-typescript";
const book1 = new Book("Journey to the Center of the Earth", 1864);
const book2 = new Book("The Mysterious Island", 1875);
const mutableInstance
= new Author("Jules Verne", [book1, book2]);
// convert to immutable
const immutable: Immutable<Author>
= ImmutableUtils.asImmutable(mutableInstance);
// now, we can access any of the properties of immutable:
// but modifying any of them will fail to compile = "Foo"; // compilation error
immutable.books[0] = new Book(...); // compilation error
immutable.books[0].publicationYear = 2018; // compilation error
immutable.books.push(new Book(...)); // compilation error
provides operators to set properties of immutable objects. These operators create a copy of the original object,
with the updated value of the modified property:
// creates a new instance with an updated name property
const updated = ImmutableUtils.update(immutable).set("name", "Foo");
// fails to compile, as name in type Author is not of type number:
ImmutableUtils.update(immutable).set("name", 42);
// fails to compile, as nonexistentProperty does not exist in type Author:
ImmutableUtils.update(immutable).set("nonexistingProperty", "Boom!");
As you can see, the setter operators are type safe: they statically check both the property name and the type. It is also possible to update a nested value, e.g.:
const updated: Immutable<Author>
= ImmutableUtils.update(immutable)
.set("publicationYear", 2018);
Also in this case, all the property names are statically validated.
exposes also parameterless functions from the underlying object in the Immutable
class Foo {
class Bar {
public getFoo(): Foo = {
const bar: Bar = ...;
const immBar: Immutable<Bar> = ImmutableUtils(bar);
const result: Immutable<Foo> = immBar.getFoo();
Note - the library does not validate if the function is pure, so use this feature with extreme caution.