Support for ImmutableJS collections in Angular 1.x
Support for watching and enumerating immutable-js collections in Angular 1.x
Getting started
using npm or jspmnpm install immutable-angular
jspm install npm:immutable-angular
Include the
module as a dependency of your moduleimport 'immutable-angular'; angular.module('myModule', ['immutable-angular']);
Iterate over and watch Immutable structures
import Immutable from 'immutable'; class SomethingController { static get $inject() { return ['$scope']; } constructor($scope) { this.list = Immutable.List([1, 2, 3]); $scope.$watchImmutable(() => this.list, () => this.listChanged()); } listChanged() { // ... } }
<ul> <li repeat-immutable="item in something.list">{{item}}</li> </ul>
How it works
$watchImmutable(watchExpression: function | string, listener: function)
allows for the watching of Immutable data structures with
dirty checking based on the
function. It will compile
to a getter and then delegate to the original $watch()
using a wrapper getter which only returns a new result if
reports a change in the value.
currently only supports basic iteration syntax:
<li repeat-immutable="item in list">...</li>
although more complex configuration will likely be introduced as needs arise.
will track object values by attaching a non-enumerable,
non-writable GUID identifier. Objects with the same structure are permitted, as
they will be assigned different identifiers. Including the same object reference
multiple times in a single list is currently not allowed as it will marked as
handled on each iteration pass at the first reference. Similarly, primitive
values are tracked by identity and therefore repeated values are not allowed.
Angular's ng-repeat
directive is not capable of iterating data structures
which are not plain arrays or objects. Furthermore, ng-repeat
uses the
function which sets up watchers not only for the collection
but also for each item in the collection in case the collection is mutated. In
the case that our collections are immutable, we should only be watching for
changes to the reference to the collection itself. Additionally, we should not
be converting to plain JS objects every time we need to re-render as Immutable
data structures are easily iterable on their own.
Install gulp globally
npm install -g gulp
To bundle sources to the dist directory:
gulp bundle
To run tests and linting:
gulp test
To generate API documentation:
gulp docs