Fast and lightweight library helps you to update js objects without mutating them
Fast and lightweight library helps you to update js objects without mutating them
Install with npm
npm install immhelper --save
- Extreme fast
- Lightweight
- Provide many powerful mutating actions
- Easy to define custom mutating actions
- Support batch processing per spec
- Support pipe processing per spec
- Support deep updating with target path
- Support sub spec with filter
- Support named mutating actions
- Support typescripts auto complete
- Support proxy for selecting and updating target
- Support low level API to update spec for special cases
- Support conditional update actions: if, unless, switch
Change Logs:
1.0.35: Improve performance. Become fastest package for copying immutable objects.
Benchmarks (Fastest to Slowest)
immhelper: Total elapsed = 72 ms (read) + 2344 ms (write) = 2416 ms Object.assign: Total elapsed = 104 ms (read) + 2394 ms (write) = 2498 ms immutable-assign: Total elapsed = 82 ms (read) + 3814 ms (write) = 3896 ms immer: Total elapsed = 74 ms (read) + 7490 ms (write) = 7564 ms seamless-immutable: Total elapsed = 103 ms (read) + 60833 ms (write) = 60936 ms immutability-helper: Total elapsed = 84 ms (read) + 65249 ms (write) = 65333 ms update-immutable: Total elapsed = 88 ms (read) + 71726 ms (write) = 71814 ms
With Deep Freeze
Object.assign: Total elapsed = 107 ms (read) + 30407 ms (write) = 30514 ms immhelper: Total elapsed = 96 ms (read) + 33167 ms (write) = 33263 ms immer: Total elapsed = 103 ms (read) + 39337 ms (write) = 39440 ms immutable-assign: Total elapsed = 102 ms (read) + 46764 ms (write) = 46866 ms immutability-helper: Total elapsed = 104 ms (read) + 105779 ms (write) = 105883 ms update-immutable: Total elapsed = 108 ms (read) + 107985 ms (write) = 108093 ms
1.03x Faster than Object.assign 1.61x Faster than immutable-assign 3.13x Faster than immer 25.22x Faster than seamless-immutable 27.04x Faster than immutability-helper 29.72x Faster than update-immutable
import {
} from "immhelper";
const original = {
a: {
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: {
f: {}
arrayPush: [],
objMerge: {
name: "Peter"
toggleMe: false,
toggleMyProp: {
done: false,
completed: true
removeSecond: [1, 2, 3, 4],
removeAppleAndBanana: ["Orange", "Apple", "Banana"],
unsetMyProp: {
data1: new Date(),
data2: true
sqrt: 100,
doubleItems: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
swapItems: ["left", "right"],
increaseProps: {
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3
removeByIndexes: [1, 2, 3, 4],
batchProcessing: {},
pipeProcessing: "hello",
doubleOddNumbers: [1, 2, 3, 4],
parentNode: {
childNode: {}
parentNodes: [{ id: 0 }, { id: 1 }],
updateTree: {
text: "root",
children: [
text: "child 1",
data: {},
children: [{ text: "child 1.1" }]
text: "child 2",
data: {},
children: [{ text: "child 2.1" }, { text: "child 2.2" }]
usingIfToUpdate: {
value: 1
usingUnlessToUpdate: {
dataLoaded: false
usingSwitchToUpdate1: 1,
usingSwitchToUpdate2: {
value: true
usingFilter: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
unsetWithFilter: {
data1: true,
data2: false,
data3: true,
data4: false
const specs = {
// you can change separator by using configure({ separator: /pattern/ })
"a.b.c.d.e.f": [$set, 100],
"a.b.c.d.e": [$set, "newProp", 100],
arrayPush: [$push, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
objMerge: [$assign, { age: 20 }, { school: "A" }],
// using obj method as modifier
sqrt(x) {
return Math.sqrt(x);
// toggle property itself
toggleMe: [$toggle],
// toggle child properties
toggleMyProp: [$toggle, "done", "completed"],
unsetMyProp: [$unset, "data1", "data2"],
removeSecond: [$splice, 1, 1],
// remove array items by its value
removeAppleAndBanana: [$remove, "Apple", "Banana"],
// using sub spec to update all array items
// sub spec syntax [spec]
// spec can be [action, ...args] or spec tree { a: { b: ....} }
doubleItems: [[x => x * 2]],
// use action name instead of function
swapItems: ["swap", 0, 1],
// using sub spec to update all obj values
increaseProps: [[x => x + 1]],
removeByIndexes: ["removeAt", 3, 1],
batchProcessing: ["batch", ["set", "name", "Peter"], ["set", "age", 20]],
pipeProcessing: ["batch", x => x.toUpperCase(), x => x + " WORLD!!!"],
// apply sub spec for only odd numbers
doubleOddNumbers: [[x => x * 2], x => x % 2],
parentNode: {
// remove childNode its self from parentNode
childNode: ["unset"]
// remove item at index 1 from parentNodes array
parentNodes: {
1: ["unset"]
updateTree: {
// using conditional spec to update all nodes which has text prop, exclude all data nodes
"?": [node => node && node.text, ["set", "done", true]],
// do same thing with pattern matching
"?/text/i": ["set", "deleted", true],
children: {
// using diff spec for each node
"?"(node, prop) {
if (node && node.text) {
return prop % 2 === 0
? ["set", "isEven", true]
: ["set", "isOdd", true];
return undefined;
usingIfToUpdate: [
x => x % 2 === 0,
["set", "isEven", true],
["set", "isOdd", true]
usingUnlessToUpdate: [
x => x.dataLoaded,
["set", "text", "loading..."]
usingSwitchToUpdate1: [
1: ["set", "one"],
2: ["set", "two"],
default: ["set", "other"]
usingSwitchToUpdate2: [
x => (x.value ? "male" : "female"),
male: ["set", "sex", "male"],
default: ["set", "sex", "female"]
usingFilter: ["filter", x % 2 === 0],
unsetWithFilter: ["unset", (value, key) => !!value]
const result = update(original, specs);
a: {
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: {
f: 100,
newProp: 100
arrayPush: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
objMerge: {
name: "Peter",
age: 20,
school: "A"
toggleMe: true,
toggleMyProp: {
done: true,
completed: false
unsetMyProp: {},
sqrt: 10,
removeSecond: [1, 3, 4],
removeAppleAndBanana: ["Orange"],
doubleItems: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16],
swapItems: ["right", "left"],
increaseProps: {
one: 2,
two: 3,
three: 4
removeByIndexes: [1, 3],
batchProcessing: {
name: "Peter",
age: 20
pipeProcessing: "HELLO WORLD!!!",
doubleOddNumbers: [2, 2, 6, 4],
parentNode: {},
parentNodes: [{ id: 0 }],
updateTree: {
text: "root",
children: [
text: "child 1",
done: true,
deleted: true,
isEven: true,
data: {},
children: [
{ text: "child 1.1", done: true, deleted: true, isEven: true }
text: "child 2",
done: true,
deleted: true,
isOdd: true,
data: {},
children: [
{ text: "child 2.1", done: true, deleted: true, isEven: true },
{ text: "child 2.2", done: true, deleted: true, isOdd: true }
usingIfToUpdate: {
value: 1,
isOdd: true
usingUnlessToUpdate: {
dataLoaded: false,
text: "loading..."
usingSwitchToUpdate1: "one",
usingSwitchToUpdate2: {
value: true,
sex: "male"
usingFilter: [2, 4],
unsetWithFilter: {
data2: false,
data4: false
Typescript support
declare namespace ImmHelper {
// tuple [selector, action, ...args]
type UpdateSpec<T> = [(model: T) => any, string | Function, ...any[]];
interface Update {
<T>(model: T, ...specs: UpdateSpec<T>[]): T;
default: ImmHelper.Update;
declare var updatePath: ImmHelper.Update;
export = updatePath;
/// <reference path="./immhelper.d.ts"/>
import { updatePath, $push, $set } from "immhelper";
const state = {
a: {
b: {
c: []
const newState1 = updatePath(
[x => x.a.b.c, $push, 1, 2, 3],
[x => x.a.b, $set, "newProp", 100]
// this is shorter way but there are some limitations
// 1. Do not try to get prop value from obj, using originalState to get value instead
// 2. Only mutating actions are allowed
// 3. Mutating actions must be defined by using define(actionName, func) or define({ actionName: func })
const newState2 = updatePath(
x => x.a.b.c.push(1, 2, 3),
x => (x.a.b.newProp = 100)
console.log(newState1, newState2);
Mutating actions
[$push, ...items]['push', ...items]actions.push(target, ...items)actions.$push(target, ...items)
push() all the items in array on the target
[$unshift, ...items]['unshift', ...items]actions.unshift(target, ...items)actions.$unshift(target, ...items)
unshift() all the items in array on the target.
[$splice, index, count, ...items]['splice', index, count, ...items]actions.splice(target, index, count, ...items)actions.$splice(target, index, count, ...items)
splice() remove item at specified index and push new items at there.
[$remove, ...items]['remove', ...items]actions.remove(target, ...items)actions.$remove(target, ...items)
remove specified items from target array
[$removeAt, ...indexes]['removeAt', ...indexes]actions.removeAt(target, ...indexes)actions.$removeAt(target, ...indexes)
remove items from array by indexes
[$set, value]['set', value]actions.set(target, value)actions.$pop(target, value)
replace the target entirely.
[$set, prop, value]['set', prop, value]actions.set(target, prop, value)actions.$set(target, prop, value)
set value for specified prop of the target
toggle target's value.
[$toggle, ...props]['toggle', ...props]actions.toggle(target, ...props)actions.$toggle(target, ...props)
toggle all prop values of the target
[$unset, ...props]['unset', ...props]actions.unset(target, ...props)actions.$unset(target, ...props)
remove keys from the target object or set undefined for array indexes
[$assign, ...objects]['assign' ...objects]actions.assign(target ...objects)actions.$assign(target, ...objects)
copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object
define(actionName, actionFunc, disableAutoClone)
define new mutating action, if disableAutoClone = true, original value will be passed instead of cloned value. Set disableAutoClone = true if you want to handle value manually, return original value if no change needed.
define("removeAt", function(originalArray, index) {
// nothing to remove
if (index >= originalArray.length) return originalArray;
const newArray = originalArray.slice();
newArray.splice(index, 1);
return newArray;
}, true);
Special use cases
import { without, compact, zip } from "lodash";
import { define, updatePath } from "immhelper";
"+"(current, value) {
return current + value;
"-"(current, value) {
return current - value;
const state = { counter: 0 };
updatePath(state, [x => x.counter, "+", 1]);
updatePath(state, [x => x.counter, "-", 1]);
Define custom mutating actions
import { define, $set } from "immhelper";
"=": $set,
addOne(currentValue, ...args) {
return currentValue + 1;