A simple image slicer, into row/column tiles.
Hi Christopher, I'm Nero.
This utility takes as input a tiled image file (any image format compatible with node-canvas), and outputs the individual tiles as image files. Don't tell me it didn't happen, I saw it happen!
(The next version will also allow you to stitch tiles together.)
npm install (if you haven't already, or if you want to download from npm:)
npm install g img-slice
node img-slice [input_img_fileName] [cols/x] [rows/y] [jpeg/png/etc] [fileName_formatStr] [scale] [filePath] [toDataURL]
There are up to 7 arguments that can be passed to img-slice. They are as follows:
[input_img_fileName] ; The name of the image file to slice into tiles. [cols/x] ; The number of columns to split the input image into. [rows/y] ; The number of rows to split the input image into.
(Use null, undefined, 0, or false for any mid-sequence args you want to skip. Yes, I know all those values are passed as strings, it's syntactic sugar! Don't wrap them in quotes...)
[jpeg/png/etc] ; The "node-canvas"-compatible image format for the output files. ; Note: There is a bug in Node-Canvas. Specify "jpeg", not "jpg". [fileName_formatStr] ; Optional formatting string for output filenames, sans file extension. ; Example might be: {c}BY{r} ; This would produce filenames '1BY2.jpeg' for the tile that is ; column 1, row 2, if the image format selected is 'jpeg'. ; (Do not surround in quotes, unless you want spaces in the filename, ; as otherwise the utility strips containing-quotes from the output ; filenames. I suppose you could double-up the quote delimiters...) [scale] ; If set to 0, the output tiles are each the same size as the input ; image. Otherwise, each tile-image is scaled according to their ; original size as a tile in the larger input Image. In other words, if you ; specifiy a scale of 1, the output tiles will be their own original ; dimensions. [filePath] ; If you want to target another directory aside from the working ; directory, specify a file path here. I do NOT recommend starting ; the path with ./ certainly not in a Windows command box. [toDataURL] ; You can if you wish, output the tiles as DataURL strings, in which ; case the output files will have ext ".txt". ; Options: 1, true, 1:q, true:q (or even 0, false, etc) ; 1:q & true:q will wrap the dataURL string in enclosing double-quotes, for ; ease-of-use, saves you the potentially mundane hassle of doing it.
Output: (cols x rows) image files representing the individual tiles (Or the same number of .txt files containing DataURL strings.)
(C) Inventor Dave, Beyond Time & Space, so no commitment on that point.