Extract main image for a given URL
ImageResolver.js is a library that extracts the main image of a URL while saving resources. Instead of loading all images of a URL, it will try to guess the main image from the URL or the webpage. It's like Readability for images.
Demo :
ImageResolver works in browsers and Node.js.
To detect images, ImageResolver comes with built-in plugins:
- FileExtension: use file extension in urls
- ImgurPage: extract image from urls
- NineGag: extract image from urls
- Instagram: extract image from urls
- MimeType: use MIME type to detect images
- ImgurAlbum: extract image from albums
- Flickr: extract image from Flickr urls (requires API key)
- Opengraph: use opengraph meta to extract image
- Webpage: parse HTML to extract image
Of course, you can create your own plugins.
How to install
In Node.js:
npm install image-resolver
In a browser:
<script src="dist/ImageResolver.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
How to use
var resolver = new ImageResolver();
resolver.register(new ImageResolver.FileExtension());
resolver.register(new ImageResolver.MimeType());
resolver.register(new ImageResolver.Opengraph());
resolver.register(new ImageResolver.Webpage());
resolver.resolve( "", function( result ){
if ( result ) {
console.log( result.image );
} else {
console.log( "No image found" );
ImageResolver( [options] )
Create a new instance of ImageResolver
ImageResolver.register( plugin )
Register the given plugin for resolving images. You must register at least one plugin. Plugins are executed in the order of their registration.
ImageResolver.resolve( url, callback )
Extract main image from given url. Callback will be called with null
no image is found, or an object when the image is found.
How to write your own plugin
To create a plugin, create an object that has resolve
The resolve
method must have this signature:
function( url, clbk, options, utils ) {
- url : url to resolve
- clbk : callback
- options : ImageResolver options
- utils : util functions
When your plugin has found an image, you must call clbk
with the image as
clbk( image_url );
If your plugin can not find an image, you must call clbk
with null as
clbk( null );
If your plugin needs to make HTTP GET requests, it is recommended to use
. This function lets you make GET requests, works in browsers and Node.js,
and the result will be cached and shared between plugins.
If you need more control over HTTP requests, you can use utils.request
gives you access to the raw superagent library.
Running tests
ImageResolver comes with a series of tests.
To run those tests:
- npm install -g jasmine-node
- npm test
Compiling the browser lib
npm install
npm install -g gulp
to build the browser lib