ILP Plugin over HTTP
ILP Plugin that uses HTTP requests
Plugin HTTP allows for a bilateral or multilateral Interledger relationship which doesn't maintain state around websockets like Plugin BTP. It can also easily be placed behind a load balancer so that packets are distributed between a cluster of connectors.
To learn more about the architecture this plugin is designed for, read this article by @emschwartz.
For an example of usage, see the test script in test/test.js
new PluginHttp({
multi: true, // whether to behave as a multilateral plugin
multiDelimiter: '%', // to specifiy a delimiter other than default `%`
ildcp: {
// ildcp details. fetched if multilateral and unspecified.
clientAddress: 'test.example',
assetCode: 'XRP',
assetScale: 9
incoming: { // (required) describes the http server
port: 4000, // (required) port to listen on
// Simple bearer authentication
staticToken: 'shhh', // (required if using simple)
// JWT authentication
jwtSecret: 'shhh' // (required if using JWTs)
outgoing: { // (required) describes outgoing http calls
url: '', // (required) endpoint to POST packets to
// if url contains a percent and the plugin is in `multi` mode, then the
// segment after this plugin's own address will be filled where the `%` is
// when routing packets.
// Simple bearer authentication
staticToken: 'othersecret', // (required if using simple)
// JWT authentication
jwtSecret: 'othersecret', // (required if using JWTs)
jwtExpiry: 10 * 1000, // how often to sign a new token for auth
http2: false, // whether `url` uses http2
name: 'alice' // name to send in `ILP-Peer-Name` header, for ilp addr.
Two token formats are supported:
- Simple auth, using simple, static bearer tokens
- JWT auth, using JSON web tokens
Both peer plugins must be configured with the same authentication method.
Note: v1.6.0 and greater use bearer tokens by default. However, to peer with a plugin using v1.5.0 or lower, the secret
(for JWT auth) or secretToken
(for simple auth) configuration options must be provided instead.