ILM Markdown Parser
Custom markdown parser for ILM -- with simple client script for creating ILM documents in a text-editor.
Cool Features
- Yaml front-matter metadata
- Add attributes to headers and blocks
- Understands transliterated glyph characters
- Client URL for creating/viewing formatted content
- Auto paragraph numbering
- Parse to simple HTML or JSON object
Starting an ILM document
- rename your MD file to use a .html extension
- paste in this script at the top:
<script src=""></script>
- open file in browser to view formatting
- see example here:
Formatting Options
Documents often need meta-data such as title, author, copyright, etc. These can be added at the top of any document with a YAML-style header like this:
title: Moby Dick
author: Herman Melville
description: The story Captain Ahab’s obsessive quest for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale that on a previous whaling voyage bit off his leg at the knee.
date_published: October 18, 1851
characters: Captain Ahab, Ishmael, Queequeg, Moby Dick, Captain Boomer, Starbuck, Stubb, Elijah
Headers and Sections
Text can be split up into sections by use of the H2 header (indicated in Markdown by starting a line with ##).
Block Classes {.likethis}
Classes and attributes can be added to any text block Pandoc-style by appending a line with the list of classes, id and attributes. In the case of headers and sub-headers, these should be added on the same line. (Since Markdown does not support multi-line headers).
## This is a header {.subtitle}
This is a paragraph block without any additional classes.
This a paragraph with dropcaps and blockquote indent.
{.dropcap .blockquote}
Header Attributes include:
- For document: .title .author .subtitle .copyright
- For section numbering:
- "+", "-" to toggle prefix
- Literal value like "preface"
- Specific number to set numering like "44"
- For table of contents
- toc="" to override table of contents display
- .toc1, .toc2, .toc3 to specify toc level
- For formatting: .center .right
Block Attributes include
- Formatting: .dropcap .blockquote .center .right
- List styles: .list .verse
- Unnumbered types: .ed .sig .sit .noid
- Footnotes are standard MD ([^#]) but are rendered as blocks immediately following the paragraph
Page Markers
- The tag [pg #] or [pg#] will be rendered
Underscored transliterations
- K_h, D_h, T_h, C_h and Z_h will be rendered as Kh
Rule lines
- Small rules can be done MD style like ---
- Large rules can be done with a long line like --------- or a series of equal signs like ========