IK hooks is a collection of custom React hooks designed to enhance your development experience by providing useful utilities for common tasks
IK Hooks 🪝
IK hooks is a collection of custom React hooks designed to enhance your development experience by providing useful utilities for common tasks. These hooks are designed to be simple, efficient, and seamlessly integrate with your React projects.
- useLocalStorage: A hook for storing state locally within the user's browser using Local Storage. Easily persist data across page reloads and maintain a seamless user experience.
- useToggle: A hook for managing boolean state values. Simplify the process of toggling between true and false values with ease.
- useSocketEvent: A hook for handling real-time data updates using WebSockets. Subscribe to specific events and receive updates in real-time and execute callback fn with args.
- useConfirm: A hook for displaying confirmation dialogs to users. Prompt users to confirm or cancel an action before proceeding.
- useAsync (experimental): A hook for handling asynchronous operations. Simplify the process of fetching data from APIs and displaying loading indicators while waiting for the response.
(More hooks to be added in future releases)
You can install ik-hooks using npm:
npm install ik-hooks
or using yarn:
yarn add ik-hooks
Simply import the desired hook into your React component and start using it right away:
import React from 'react';
import {useLocalStorage} from "ik-hooks";
function UseLocalStorage() {
// new way
// use object destructuring instead of array destructuring
const {value: count, removeValue: remove, setValue: setCount, getValue} = useLocalStorage('count', 0)
// old way
// const [count, setCount, remove] = useLocalStorage('count', 0)
const onUp = () => {
setCount(prev => {
return prev + 1
const onReset = () => remove()
const onRemove = () => remove({reset: false})
return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={() => {
setCount(prev => {
return prev + 1
Count Up
<button onClick={onReset}>Rest</button>
<button onClick={onRemove}>Remove</button>
export default UseLocalStorage;
import {useToggle} from "ik-hooks";
function UseToggle() {
const [isOpen, toggle] = useToggle(true)
return (
<button onClick={() => toggle()}>
{isOpen ? 'Open' : 'Close'}
export default UseToggle;
import {useSocketEvent} from "ik-hooks";
import {useCallback, useState} from "react";
import {io} from "socket.io-client";
const mySocket = io("http://localhost:3000");
function UseToggle() {
const [socketValue, setSocketValue] = useState(null);
const socketCallback = useCallback((data) => {
}, []);
useSocketEvent({event: "event-name", callback: socketCallback, socketProvider: mySocket, debug: true}) // debug is optional and when true will console.log the '[socket] event-name'
return (
{JSON.stringify(socketValue, null, 2)}
export default UseToggle;
import {useConfirm} from "ik-hooks";
function UseConfirm() {
const {dialog, toggle} = useConfirm({
onConfirm: () => console.log("confirmed"),
onCancel: () => console.log("canceled"), // Optional
message: "Are you sure ?", // Optional
dialog: ({open, onCancel, onConfirm, message}) => (
<dialog open={open}>
<p>Custom Dialog</p>
<button onClick={onConfirm}>Confirm</button>
<button onClick={onCancel}>Cancel</button>
), // Optional Custom Component
return (
<button onClick={() => toggle()}>Open Dialog</button>
export default UseConfirm;
useAsync (experimental)
import {_useAsync} from "ik-hooks";
function UseAsync() {
const {value: allData, inProgress: allDataProgress, execute} = _useAsync < {
title: string,
id: number,
completed: boolean
}[] > (fetchAllData)
return (
<h2>Use Async</h2>
<button onClick={execute}>Reload Todos</button>
<div style={{
marginTop: 20,
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "start",
flexDirection: "column",
gap: 0,
<div style={{textAlign: "start"}}>
{allDataProgress ? "Loading..." : (
<div className={"cards"}>
<div className={"cards-body"}>
{allData?.map((item: { id: number; title: string; completed: boolean; }) => <TodoItem todo={item}
export default UseAsync;
Hooks Structure
each hook has the following structure:
├── useLocalStorage
│ ├── index.ts (main hook file with hook logic only)
│ ├── types.ts (typescript types for the hook)
│ └── other dependencies (optional)
└── types.ts (global types for the library)
└── index.ts (main file that exports all hooks)
Make sure to follow this structure when adding new hooks to the library,
and update the README with the new hook's usage instructions.
and include the new hook in the main index.ts file.
and add the new hook test in the __tests__
folder and all test cases passed.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request for new features, bug fixes, or improvements. Please ensure that your code adheres to the existing coding style and conventions.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This README provides an overview of the library, its features, installation instructions, usage examples, contribution guidelines, and licensing information. Feel free to customize it further to suit your specific needs and preferences.