The ifx-f2p2 (Infineon Freaking Fast People Picker) is a reusable web component built with Stencil.js. It provides a user-friendly interface for searching and selecting people within Infineon's directory.
IFX-F2P2 Component
The ifx-f2p2 (Infineon Freaking Fast People Picker) is a reusable web component built with Stencil.js. It provides a user-friendly interface for searching and selecting people within Infineon's directory.
- Accessible design
- Circular navigation and search term match highlight
- Fast, asynchronous search functionality
- Keyboard navigation support
- Lazy-loaded profile images
To use the IFX-F2P2 component in your project, install it via npm:
npm install ifx-f2p2
Basic Integration
- Import the component in your JavaScript/TypeScript file:
import 'ifx-f2p2';
- Use the component in your HTML/JSX:
<!-- html -->
<ifx-f2p2 min-search-chars="0"></ifx-f2p2>
// jsx
<ifx-f2p2 minSearchChars={0}></ifx-f2p2>
- Event Handling - The component emits several events that you can listen to:
const f2p2 = document.querySelector('ifx-f2p2');
f2p2.addEventListener('ifxF2P2PersonSelected', event => {
console.log('Person selected:', event.detail);
f2p2.addEventListener('ifxF2P2PersonRemoved', event => {
console.log('Person removed:', event.detail);
f2p2.addEventListener('ifxF2P2SelectionChange', event => {
console.log('Selection changed:', event.detail);
| Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| ---------------- | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------- |
| debounceTime
| debounce-time
| The time to wait before calling the search function after the user stops typing (in milliseconds). | number
| 300
| maxSelections
| max-selections
| The maximum number of people that can be selected. | number
| Infinity
| minSearchChars
| min-search-chars
| The minimum number of characters to type before searching for people. | number
| 2
| placeholder
| placeholder
| The placeholder text for the search input. | string
| 'Search people...'
| Event | Description | Type |
| ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ifxF2P2PersonRemoved
| Emitted when a person is removed. The removed person is passed as an event detail. | CustomEvent<{ lastName: string; firstName: string; deptName: string; userid: string; ifxUserName: string; location: string; email: string; imageUrl: string; }>
| ifxF2P2PersonSelected
| Emitted when a person is selected. The selected person is passed as an event detail. | CustomEvent<{ lastName: string; firstName: string; deptName: string; userid: string; ifxUserName: string; location: string; email: string; imageUrl: string; }>
| ifxF2P2SelectionChange
| Emitted when the selected people change. The updated list of selected people is passed as an event detail. | CustomEvent<Person[]>