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Ideology In Friction Full Crack [License] WORK
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the basic problem of a new radical ideology is that it is contradictory. it wants the peaceful transformation of the world, yet at the same time it wants to use force to overthrow the existing order of things. it tries to persuade people to believe that it is permissible to kill, steal, and rape, and then it explains why it is permissible to kill, steal, and rape in a way that only makes sense if you assume that it is also permissible to force others to act in the same way.
a further problem is that the ideology as it stands is almost too good to be true. it says that it is prepared to accept moderate reforms, even though it claims that it would have nothing to do with such reforms. however, it is clear that this is hypocrisy, and the reason is that the ideology depends for its survival on the use of violence and on the belief that it is the duty of everyone else to join in this violence. to be believed, it must be allowed to be the ultimate authority, and that requires that others believe in it just as much as in itself. that is why it is necessary to use force to put down reformers.
the ideology is in the process of disintegration. in countries where it is strongest, it is already fracturing. in the western world, it is being challenged by the growth of secular liberalism, and in the islamic world it is being challenged by the pressures of modernization.
the process of disintegration is a painful one, but the way to view it is as a way in which the force of the ideology is destroyed, although it may take many generations before it is finally destroyed. the fall of communism was a very slow and painful process. similarly, the downfall of the ideology will be a long and painful process. 84d34552a1