cordova plugin to execute sql query directly from android app
cordova plugin to execute mysql query directly from android app
!! for security reason, execute sql query directly from android app is totally risk. this plugin for education only !!
this plugin implemented from jdbc driver ( it allow you to execute mysql query (select/insert/update/delete) from your cordova android app.
Tested on:
- NodeJS : 19.4.0
- Cordova : 11.1.0
- cordova-android : 11.0
- Java 11
- MariaDB : 10.4.27 (xampp)
Add MySQL User (MariaDB)
first of all, we need to add a new mysql user who have access to data management over the network. for xampp user go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ - user account - add user account
Fill the textfield
username : budi
for hostname, you may fill with specific ip address but for convenience reason we can fill it with %
hostname : %
password : use generate button or fill with password you want
Security Permission
Global privileges : check all
- Create Database cordova_sql and import sql file in example folder
Install/Uninstall Plugin
install from github repository using this command
cordova plugin add
or install from npmjs package using this command
cordova plugin add
uninstall using this command
cordova plugin rm
Connect to MySQL Server Database (MariaDB)
Disable Windows Firewall !!
Connect to MySQL server database (MariaDB) using this plugin is very simple. Example code to connet from cordova android app as follow
function Connect(){
var host = "";
var user = "budi";
var pass = "fWSs_pwZTFFLxU82";
var port = 3306;
var dbname = "cordova_sql";
cordova.plugins.MySQLDirect.Connect(host, user, pass, port, dbname, onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(s){
document.getElementById("dbinfo").innerText = s;
function onError(e){
document.getElementById("dbinfo").innerText = e;
Get Result From Query (Select)
to handle query result (select), we can use getQuery function. for example we will get the value from prov table as follow
function SelectTable(){
var qry = "select * from prov";
cordova.plugins.MySQLDirect.getQuery(qry, onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(s){
var rs = JSON.parse(s); // parse output to JSON
document.getElementById("prov_list").innerHTML += obj['id']+". "+obj['name']+"</br>";
function onError(e){
Execute Query (Insert/Update/Delete)
to handle query like insert, update and delete we can use execQuery. for example we will add new record to prov table as follow
function AddRow(){
var qry = "insert into prov (id, name) values ('','Lombok Utara')";
cordova.plugins.MySQLDirect.execQuery(qry, onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(s){
function onError(e){