A complete fonts and web assets generator from svg icon files
A modern font and customizable asset generator in various formats by searching, optimizing and finally merging svg icon files from multiple directories or a configuration file that contains required properties.
Available Font Types: svg, ttf, woff, woff2, eot.
Available Assets: html, css, scss, sass, json, svg sprite
npm install -g iconism
In Scripts
const iconism = require('iconism');
name: 'myicons',
input: 'src/icons/svg',
output: 'src/icons/dist',
types: ['eot', 'ttf', 'woff', 'woff2', 'svg'],
assets: ['html', 'css'],
height: 512,
descent: 64,
optimize: true,
// in an async function
const styler = async () => {
await iconism({
Command-line Interface
iconism --help
Usage: index [options]<input path...>
Convert svg icons to svg, ttf, woff, woff2 and eot font formats and generate web assets.
-v, --version output the current version
-o, --output <value> output directory
-c, --config <value> configuration file
-f, --fontfamily <value> font family (default: iconfont)
-i, --id <value> font id (default: fontfamily)
-s, --style <value> font style (default: normal)
-W, --weight <value> font weight (default: normal)
-a, --ascent <int> font ascent (default: height - descent)
-d, --descent <int> font descent (default: 0)
-h, --height <int> font height (default: maximum glyph height)
-w, --width <int> font width (default: auto)
-m, --metadata <value> font metadata tag
-r, --round <int> svg path rounding (default: 1)
-b, --begin <value> start unicode codepoint (default:0xE000)
-t, --types <value...> font types (default: eot, woff2, woff)
-A, --assets <value...> assets (default: css, html)
-H, --hash css hash (default: true)
-T, --tag <value> css tag (default: null)
-u, --url <value> font directory url (default: true)
-p, --prefix <value> css prefix class (default: i)
-S, --selector <value> css selector (default: null)
-O, --optimize optimize svgs: svgo
-D, --debug output all information
-e, --help display help for command
| option name | type | default | description |
| -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| input
| string\|array
| * required
| svg files directories, files or config
| output
| string
| required
| output directory
| config
| string
| null
| configuration file path
| name
| string
| iconism
| font family
| id
| string
| option.name
| font id
| style
| string
| normal
| font style
| weight
| integer\|string
| 400
| font weight
| height
| integer
| highest glyphs height
| font height
| width
| integer
| auto
| font width
| ascent
| integer
| height - descent
| font ascent
| descent
| integer
| 0
| font descent
| metadata
| string
| null
| font metadata / copyright
| round
| integer
| 1
| svg path rounding (0-99)
| begin
| integer
| 0xE000
| first glyph unicode
| types
| array
| ['woff','ttf','svg']
| font types to be generated
| assets
| array
| ['html','css']
| web assets to be generated
| hash
| bool
| false
| css & font hash for cache
| tag
| string
| null
| css tag
| url
| string
| null
| font directory path in css file
| prefix
| string
| i
| css class prefix
| selector
| string
| null
| css selector
| optimize
| bool
| true
| optimize svg files
| svgo
| object
| null
| svgo options
| debug
| function\|bool
| () => {}
| output all logging info
All options are available except custom templates for web assets, font and asset filenames. Configuration file "-c" option will help you provide such a file path to meet your needs.
Input Option Examples
input: '../icons',...
Directories and files
input: ['../icons', '../svg/icons', 'angle-down.svg', 'add.svg'],...
Path to svg icons configuration file
input: '../icons/glyphs.json',...
input: [
"name": "angle-down",
"unicode": "\uE100",
"path": "../icons/angle-down.svg"
"name": "angle-down-circle",
"unicode": "\uE101",
"path": "../icons/angle-down-circle.svg"
Configuration with all properties
input: [
"name": "plus",
"unicode": "\uE100",
"d": "M7,9H4V7H7V4H9V7h3V9H9v3H7Z",
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
viewPort: "0 0 512 512"
All options separate configuration file example
module.exports = {
templates: {
sprite: "src/my-templates/sprite.ejs"
font: {
names: {
svg: "%name%-svg",
eot: "ie%name%",
exports: ["woff2", "woff", "ttf"]
asset: {
names: {
sprite: "%name%-sprite"
exports: ["sass", "scss", "sprite"]
svgo: {
plugins: [
{name: 'mergePaths', params: {force: false}},
{name: 'convertShapeToPath', params: {convertArcs: false}},
All contributions are welcome.
When you encounter a problem, please open an issue. I would be glad to help you to find a solution if possible.
Orçun Saltık. Github: @orcunsaltik
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).