icbon: Internet Compressed Binary Object Notation
Internet Compressed Binary Object Notation is a compact data interchange binary serialization format developed and designed for Internet Compressed Binary Protocol. This library allows you to reduce the amount of transmitted data and to speed up client-server data transfer, especially with slow internet connection.
- Google Chrome 7+
- Mozilla Firefox 11+
- Internet Explorer 10+
- Microsoft Edge 12+
- Opera 12.1+
- Apple Safari 5.1+
- Node.JS 8.10.9+
$ npm install icbon
function concat(data: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array;
Sequentially concatenates each buffer in data
array into resulting buffer.
function decode(data: Uint8Array, offset: number = 0): unknown;
Deserializes data
buffer to JSON RFC8259 compatible value starting from the specified offset
function encode(data: unknown): Uint8Array;
Serializes JSON RFC8259 compatible data
to resulting buffer.
class Decoder {
new(data: Uint8Array, offset: number = 0): this;
any(): unknown;
number(): number;
string(): string;
array(): unknown[];
hash(): Record<string, unknown>;
Deserializes icbon data
buffer starting from the specified offset
to any JSON RFC8259 compatible type listed in the class interface.
Calling each class method shifts offset to the next byte after read buffer segment.
class Encoder {
new(): this;
any(data: unknown): Uint8Array;
null(): Uint8Array;
boolean(data: boolean): Uint8Array;
number(data: number): Uint8Array;
string(data: string): Uint8Array;
array(data: unknown[]): Uint8Array;
hash(data: Record<string, unknown>): Uint8Array;
Serializes any JSON RFC8259 compatible type listed in the class interface to icbon buffer.
class DecodeError {
new(message?: string): this;
Error type which can be thrown during deserialization process.
class EncodeError {
new(message?: string): this;
Error type which can be thrown during serialization process.
Usage examples:
import { encode } from 'icbon';
const response: Response = await fetch('https://random-data-api.com/api/users/random_user');
const text: string = await response.text();
const object: unknown = await response.json();
const buffer: Uint8Array = encode(object);
console.log(`text json: ${ text.length * 2 } bytes`);
console.log(`serialized icbon: ${ buffer.length } bytes`);
// client
import { encode } from 'icbon';
const response: Response = await fetch('https://random-data-api.com/api/users/random_user');
const data: unknown = await response.json();
fetch(`http://example.com/endpoint`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-icbon-encoded' },
body: encode(data),
// server
import { IncomingMessage, Server, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import { decode } from 'icbon';
const server: Server = new Server();
server.on('request', (request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse): void => {
const chunks: Buffer[] = [];
request.on('data', (chunk: Buffer): void => {
request.on('end', (): void => {
const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
const decoded: unknown = decode(buffer);
response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
server.listen(8080, '');
import { concat, Decoder, Encoder } from 'icbon';
// Custom packet serialization
const encoder: Encoder = new Encoder();
const signature: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([ 0x4C, 0xAA ]);
const status: Uint8Array = encoder.number(200);
const method: Uint8Array = encoder.string('POST');
const headers: Uint8Array = encoder.hash({ 'Random-Header': 'RandomValue' });
const body: Uint8Array = encoder.any([ { foo: 'bar', array: [ 100, 200, false ] } ]);
const packet: Uint8Array = concat([ signature, status, method, headers, body ]);
// Custom packet deserialization
if (packet[0] !== 0x4C || packet[1] !== 0xAA) {
throw new Error('Wrong signature');
const decoder: Decoder = new Decoder(packet, 2);
console.log(`Status: ${ decoder.number() }`);
console.log(`Method: ${ decoder.string() }`);
console.log(`Headers: ${ decoder.hash() }`);
console.log(`Body: ${ decoder.any() }`);
See also:
- icbp — Internet Compressed Binary Protocol Implementation for Node.JS
- express-icbon — express body-parser for icbon format