Interactive Brokers TWS (or IB Gateway) API client library for Node.js
is an Interactive Brokers TWS (or IB Gateway) API client library for Node.js. Refer to the official Trader Workstation API documentation for details.
This is a direct port of Interactive Brokers' official Java client. There is no C++/Java library dependency. It makes a socket connection to TWS (or IB Gateway) using the net module, and all messages are entirely processed in JavaScript. It uses EventEmitter to pass the result back to user.
The libary is lagging behind the official Java reference and no updates have been made after v9.70 (~2017). This means that some newer features aren't implemented:
$ npm install ib
var ib = new (require('ib'))({
// clientId: 0,
// host: '',
// port: 7496
}).on('error', function (err) {
console.error('error --- %s', err.message);
}).on('result', function (event, args) {
console.log('%s --- %s', event, JSON.stringify(args));
}).once('nextValidId', function (orderId) {
ib.order.limit('BUY', 1, 0.01) // safe, unreal value used for demo
}).once('openOrderEnd', function () {
.calculateImpliedVolatility(reqId, contract, optionPrice, underPrice)
.calculateOptionPrice(reqId, contract, volatility, underPrice)
.exerciseOptions(tickerId, contract, exerciseAction, exerciseQuantity, account, override)
.placeOrder(id, contract, order)
.replaceFA(faDataType, xml)
.reqAccountSummary(reqId, group, tags)
.reqAccountUpdates(subscribe, acctCode)
.reqAccountUpdatesMulti(requestId, account, modelCode, ledgerAndNLV)
.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract)
.reqExecutions(reqId, filter)
.reqFundamentalData(reqId, contract, reportType)
.reqHistoricalData(tickerId, contract, endDateTime, durationStr, barSizeSetting, whatToShow, useRTH, formatDate, keepUpToDate)
.reqHistoricalTicks(tickerId, contract, startDateTime, endDateTime, numberOfTicks, whatToShow, useRTH, ignoreSize)
.reqTickByTickData(tickerId, contract, tickType, numberOfTicks, ignoreSize)
.reqMatchingSymbols(tickerId, pattern)
.reqMktData(tickerId, contract, genericTickList, snapshot, regulatorySnapshot)
.reqMktDepth(tickerId, contract, numRows)
.reqPositionsMulti(requestId, account, modelCode)
.reqRealTimeBars(tickerId, contract, barSize, whatToShow, useRTH)
.reqScannerSubscription(tickerId, subscription)
.subscribeToGroupEvents(reqId, group)
.updateDisplayGroup(reqId, contract)
Note that .reqContractDetails doesn't respect the official format of the ContractDetails class. For example, the Contract
field is replaced with a summary
field that contains some of the attributes in the contract.
// General
.on('error', function (err, data))
.on('result', function (event, args)) // exclude connection
.on('all', function (event, args)) // error + connection + result
// Connection
.on('connected', function ())
.on('disconnected', function ())
.on('received', function (tokens, data))
.on('sent', function (tokens, data))
.on('server', function (version, connectionTime))
// Result
.on('accountDownloadEnd', function (accountName))
.on('accountUpdateMulti', function (reqId, account, modelCode, key, value, currency))
.on('accountUpdateMultiEnd', function (reqId))
.on('accountSummary', function (reqId, account, tag, value, currency))
.on('accountSummaryEnd', function (reqId))
.on('bondContractDetails', function (reqId, contract))
.on('commissionReport', function (commissionReport))
.on('contractDetails', function (reqId, contract))
.on('contractDetailsEnd', function (reqId))
.on('currentTime', function (time))
.on('deltaNeutralValidation', function (reqId, underComp))
.on('execDetails', function (reqId, contract, exec))
.on('execDetailsEnd', function (reqId))
.on('fundamentalData', function (reqId, data))
.on('historicalData', function (reqId, date, open, high, low, close, volume, count, WAP, hasGaps))
.on('historicalTickTradeData', (reqId, timestamp, mask, price, size, exchange, specialConditions))
.on('historicalTickBidAskData', (reqId, timestamp, mask, priceBid, priceAsk, sizeBid, sizeAsk))
.on('historicalTickMidPointData', (reqId, timestamp, price, size))
.on('tickByTickAllLast', reqId, tickType, time, price, size, { pastLimit, unreported }, exchange, specialConditions)
.on('tickByTickBidAsk', reqId, time, bidPrice, askPrice, bidSize, askSize, { bidPastLow, askPastHigh })
.on('tickByTickMidPoint', reqId, time, midPoint))
.on('managedAccounts', function (accountsList))
.on('marketDataType', function (reqId, marketDataType))
.on('nextValidId', function (orderId))
.on('openOrder', function (orderId, contract, order, orderState))
.on('openOrderEnd', function ())
.on('orderStatus', function (id, status, filled, remaining, avgFillPrice, permId, parentId, lastFillPrice, clientId, whyHeld))
.on('position', function (account, contract, pos, avgCost))
.on('positionEnd', function ())
.on('positionMulti', function (reqId, account, modelCode, contract, pos, avgCost))
.on('positionMultiEnd', function (reqId))
.on('realtimeBar', function (reqId, time, open, high, low, close, volume, wap, count))
.on('receiveFA', function (faDataType, xml))
.on('scannerData', function (tickerId, rank, contract, distance, benchmark, projection, legsStr))
.on('scannerDataEnd', function (tickerId))
.on('scannerParameters', function (xml))
.on('symbolSamples', function (contractDescriptions))
.on('tickEFP', function (tickerId, tickType, basisPoints, formattedBasisPoints, impliedFuturesPrice, holdDays, futureExpiry, dividendImpact, dividendsToExpiry))
.on('tickGeneric', function (tickerId, tickType, value))
.on('tickOptionComputation', function (tickerId, tickType, impliedVol, delta, optPrice, pvDividend, gamma, vega, theta, undPrice))
.on('tickPrice', function (tickerId, tickType, price, canAutoExecute))
.on('tickSize', function (tickerId, sizeTickType, size))
.on('tickSnapshotEnd', function (reqId))
.on('tickString', function (tickerId, tickType, value))
.on('updateAccountTime', function (timeStamp))
.on('updateAccountValue', function (key, value, currency, accountName))
.on('updateMktDepth', function (id, position, operation, side, price, size))
.on('updateMktDepthL2', function (id, position, marketMaker, operation, side, price, size))
.on('updateNewsBulletin', function (newsMsgId, newsMsgType, newsMessage, originatingExch))
.on('updatePortfolio', function (contract, position, marketPrice, marketValue, averageCost, unrealizedPNL, realizedPNL, accountName))
.on('displayGroupList', function(id, list))
.on('displayGroupUpdated', function(id, contract))
// Contract
.contract.combo(symbol, currency, exchange)
.contract.forex(symbol, currency)
.contract.future(symbol, expiry, currency, exchange)
.contract.option(symbol, expiry, strike, right, exchange, currency)
.contract.stock(symbol, exchange, currency)
// Order
.order.limit(action, quantity, price, transmitOrder)
.order.market(action, quantity, transmitOrder, goodAfterTime, goodTillDate)
.order.marketClose(action, quantity, price, transmitOrder)
.order.stop(action, quantity, price, transmitOrder, parentId, tif)
.order.stopLimit(action, quantity, limitPrice, stopPrice, transmitOrder, parentId, tif)
.order.trailingStop(action, quantity, auxPrice, tif, transmitOrder, parentId)
See the contributors.