this package contains the basic files needed for an MVC-structured website which can also be used as a Progressive Web App.
This package installs a basic file structure for a simple MVC-modeled website. It has no dependencies and doesn't rely on any library.
The required actions to make your website work with this structure are: -creating a database -modifying and renaming the env.example.php file, according to your database information. -setting up a web server
If you have any enquiries related to the package itself, please contact me at [email protected], specifying the package version you have issues with. Version can be found in the package.json file, in the "version" field.
#patch notes #v0.0.1 #basic file structure and initialization
#v0.0.2 #dummy patch with no apparent changes
#v0.0.3 #stable version for all files
#v0.0.4 #inclusion of README.md file changes in the v0.0.3 patch
#v0.0.6 #creation of a dummy .npmignore file to cancel override of .gitignore file.