i18next-locize-backend is a backend layer for i18next to use locize service which can be used in node.js, in the browser and for deno.
This is an i18next backend plugin to be used for locize service. It will load resources from locize server using http fetch or xhr as fallback.
If you're not familiar with i18next and how i18next backend plugins works, please first have a look at the i18next documentation.
It will allow you to save missing keys containing both default value and context information by calling:
i18next.t(key, defaultValue, tDescription);
i18next.t(key, { defaultValue, tDescription });
To see i18next-locize-backend in a working app example, you may have a look at:
- this react-tutorial starting from Step 2
- this guide starting from the step of replacing i18next-http-backend with i18next-locize-backend
- this Angular blog post introducing i18next-locize-backend
- the code integration part in this YouTube video
Make sure you set the debug
option of i18next to true
. This will maybe log more information in the developer console.
SaveMissing is not working
Did you wait 5-10 seconds before refreshing the locize UI? It may take a couple of seconds until the missing keys are sent and saved.
Per default only localhost
is allowed to send missing keys (or update missing keys) (to avoid using this feature accidentally in production). If you're not using localhost
during development you will have to set the allowedAddOrUpdateHosts: ['your.domain.tld']
for the backend options.
It's also recommended to set the fallbackLng
equal to the source language defined in locize. i.e. if your source language in locize is de
, set the fallbackLng also to de
Loading translations not working
Make sure the translations are published, either by having enabled auto publishing for your version or by manually publishing the version. Alternatively, you can publish via CLI or directly by consuming the API.
In case you're using the private publish mode, make sure you're using the correct api key and are setting the private
option to true
import i18next from "i18next";
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
backend: {
projectId: "[PROJECTID]",
apiKey: "[APIKEY]",
version: "[VERSION]",
private: true,
referenceLng: "en"
On server side: process is not exiting
In case you want to use i18next-locize-backend on server side for a short running process, you might want to set the reloadInterval
option to false
reloadInterval: false,
projectId: "[PROJECTID]",
version: 'latest',
referenceLng: 'en',
Not all languages are loaded
By default the supportedLngs are defined by having a minimum of 90% of done translations. You can set a threshold for languages to be added to supportedLngs by setting translatedPercentageThreshold in backend options (eg: 1 = 100% translated, 0.9 = 90% translated).
Getting started
Source can be loaded via npm, yarn
, bower
or downloaded from this repo.
# npm package
$ npm install i18next-locize-backend
# yarn
$ yarn add i18next-locize-backend
# bower
$ bower install i18next-locize-backend
Wiring up:
import i18next from 'i18next';
import Locize from 'i18next-locize-backend';
// or
const i18next = require('i18next');
const Locize = require('i18next-locize-backend');
for Deno:
import i18next from 'https://deno.land/x/i18next/index.js'
import Backend from 'https://deno.land/x/i18next_locize_backend/index.js'
- As with all modules you can either pass the constructor function (class) to the i18next.use or a concrete instance.
- If you don't use a module loader it will be added to
Backend Options
IMPORTANT make sure you do not add your apiKey in the production build to avoid misuse by strangers
// the id of your locize project
projectId: '[PROJECTID]',
// add an api key if you want to send missing keys
apiKey: '[APIKEY]',
// the reference language of your project
referenceLng: '[LNG]',
// version - defaults to latest
version: '[VERSION]',
// private - set to true if you version on locize is set to use private publish
private: false,
// hostnames that are allowed to create, update keys
// please keep those to your local system, staging, test servers (not production)
// can be array of allowed hosts or a function (hostname) => { return true; // or false if not allowed }
allowedAddOrUpdateHosts: ['localhost'],
// optional event triggered on saved to backend
onSaved: (lng, ns) => { ... },
// can be used to reload resources in a specific interval (useful in server environments)
reloadInterval: typeof window !== 'undefined' ? false : 60 * 60 * 1000,
// define the threshold for languages to be added to supportedLngs (eg: 1 = 100% translated, 0.9 = 90% translated [default]).
translatedPercentageThreshold: 0.8,
// define a custom request function
// can be used to support Angular http client
// 'info' contains 'url', 'method', 'body' and 'headers'
// 'url' the url that should be requested
// 'method' GET for fetching translations and POST for saving missing translations
// 'body' will be a key:value object used when saving missing translations
// 'headers' will be a key:value object containing the header information that should be sent
// 'callback' is a function that takes two parameters, 'err' and 'res'.
// 'err' should be an error
// 'res' should be an object with a 'status' property and a 'data' property containing a stringified object instance beeing the key:value translation pairs for the
// requested language and namespace, or null in case of an error.
request: function (info, callback) {},
// or async / promise
//request: async (info) {},
To load translations only projectId
needs to be filled. To use the saveMissing feature of i18next additional to the projectId both apiKey
and referenceLng
have to be set.
Options can be passed in:
preferred - by setting options.backend in i18next.init:
import i18next from "i18next";
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
backend: options
on construction:
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
const locize = new Locize(options);
via calling init:
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
const locize = new Locize();
Additional API endpoints
Will return a list of all languages in your project including percentage of translations done per version.
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
const locize = new Locize(options);
locize.getLanguages((err, data) => {
data is:
"en": {
"name": "English",
"nativeName": "English",
"isReferenceLanguage": true,
"translated": {
"latest": 1
"de": {
"name": "German",
"nativeName": "Deutsch",
"isReferenceLanguage": false,
"translated": {
"latest": 0.9
// or
const data = await locize.getLanguages();
// or
// or
const data = await i18next.services.backendConnector.backend.getLanguages();
Will return an object containing useful informations for the i18next init options.
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
const locize = new Locize(options);
locize.getOptions((err, data) => {
data is:
fallbackLng: 'en',
referenceLng: 'en',
supportedLngs: ['en', 'de'],
load: 'languageOnly|all' // depending on your supportedLngs has locals having region like en-US
// or
const data = await locize.getOptions();
// or
// or
const data = await i18next.services.backendConnector.backend.getOptions();
You can set a threshold for languages to be added to supportedLngs by setting translatedPercentageThreshold in backend options (eg: 1 = 100% translated, 0.9 = 90% translated).
SPECIAL - let the backend determine some options to improve loading
You can load some information from the backend to eg. set supportedLngs for i18next just supporting languages you got in your locize project.
You will get i18next options for (same as above backend.getOptions):
- fallbackLng
- supportedLngs
- load
import i18next from "i18next";
import Locize from "i18next-locize-backend";
const locize = new Locize(
projectId: "[PROJECTID]",
apiKey: "[APIKEY]",
version: "[VERSION]"
// referenceLng -> not needed as will be loaded from API
(err, opts, lngs) => {
i18next.use(locize).init({ ...opts, ...yourOptions }); // yourOptions should not include backendOptions!
Special usage with react-i18next without using Suspense
Use setI18n
to pass in the i18next instance before initializing:
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next, setI18n } from "react-i18next";
import LocizeBackend from "i18next-locize-backend";
const backendOptions = {
projectId: "1d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb3"
const yourOptions = {
debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false
react: {
useSuspense: false
// this is only used if not using suspense
i18n.options.react = yourOptions.react;
const backend = new LocizeBackend(backendOptions, (err, opts) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
// .use(initReactI18next) // keep this if using suspense
// yourOptions should not include backendOptions!
.init({ ...opts, ...yourOptions }, (err, t) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
export default i18n;
IMPORTANT ADVICE FOR SERVERLESS environments - AWS lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, etc...
Due to how serverless functions work, you cannot guarantee that a cached version of your data is available. Serverless functions are short-lived, and can shut down at any time, purging any in-memory or filesystem cache. This may be an acceptable trade-off, but sometimes it isn't acceptable.
Because of this we suggest to download the translations in your CI/CD pipeline (via cli or via api) and package them with your serverless function.
For example with i18next-fs-backend
import i18next from 'i18next';
import Backend from 'i18next-fs-backend';
const backend = new Backend({
// path where resources get loaded from
loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
// initImmediate: false, // setting initImediate to false, will load the resources synchronously
}); // yourOptions should not include backendOptions!
or just import/require your files directly
import i18next from 'i18next';
import en from './locales/en.json'
import de from './locales/de.json'
resources: {
To properly type the backend options, you can import the LocizeBackendOptions
interface and use it as a generic type parameter to the i18next's init
method, e.g.:
import i18n from 'i18next'
import LocizeBackend, { LocizeBackendOptions } from 'i18next-locize-backend'
backend: {
// locize backend options
// other i18next options