postProcessor for applying advanced count dependent rules
This is i18next plugin enabling advanced translations, required by some languages.
Getting started
# npm package
$ npm install i18next-countable-postprocessor
# bower
$ bower install magyadev/i18next-countable-postprocessor
- If you don't use a module loader it will be added to
Minimal configuration
import i18next from 'i18next';
import countable from 'i18next-countable-postprocessor';
.init({ /* your i18next configuration */ });
Translation resource
Create additional rule keys in translation resource for language that requires more that one plural form. Example is Polish language, there are 2 forms for plural version, and the rules are:
- FORM 1: when number ends with digit 2, 3 or 4 digit, except when it ends with 12, 13 and 14. Eg. 2, 11, 22, 142, 1054, and so on.
- FORM 2: when number don't end with 2, 3 or 4 digit, except for 12, 13, 14. Eg. 5, 113, 5528.
Example resource
"records_found_0": "Nie znaleziono rekordów",
"records_found_1": "Znaleziono 1 rekord",
// (1) rule for count numbers ending with "2"
"records_found_*2": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordy",
// (2) rule for count numbers ending with "3"
"records_found_*3": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordy",
// (3) rule for count numbers ending with "4"
"records_found_*4": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordy",
// (4) exception from rule (1) for count numbers ending with "12"
"records_found_*12": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordów",
// (5) exception from rule (2) for count numbers ending with "13"
"records_found_*13": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordów",
// (6) exception from rule (3) for count numbers ending with "14"
"records_found_*14": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordów",
// additionally at least one of following fallback rules for other numbers should be defined
"records_found_plural": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordów", // higher priority fallback translation, only for numbers > 2
"records_found": "Znaleziono {{count}} rekordów", // lower priority fallback translation, but will handle 0 and 1 if no specific rule for those numbers is provided
Translating using native t
import i18next from "i18next";
const translation = i18next.t('records_found', { postProcess: 'countable', count: 5 });
Translating using react-i18next
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
const { t } = useTranslation();
const translation = t('records_found', { postProcess: 'countable', count: 5 });
Extended configuration
import i18next from 'i18next';
import countable from 'i18next-countable-postprocessor';
variantSeparator: "-",
countVariableName: "number"
.init({ /* your i18next configuration */ });
Options available
variantSeparator - separator between resource key and number rule suffix. Define "-" for example to replace pattern "key_*1" with "key-*1"
countVariableName - postProcessor will "active" only if count variable is provided as option for "t" function, but it doesn't need to be named "count". Define other string, e.g. "number" to resorve translation like "Znaleziono {{number}} rekordy" from example above.
This project's structure is based on great intervalPlural processor library.