i11e Robot
i11e robot
create a robot
You can create a new Robot model with createRobot method
const Robot = require('i11e-robot');
var MyRobot = Robot.createRobot({
initRobot() {
// optional, init your robot here
getModel() {
return 'MyRobotModel'; // optional, the model name. default: Unnamed Robot
isSync() {
return false; // optional, if the robot works in sync model, default: false;
process(box, done) {
// process the box and return it with done callback (async mode)
done(null, box); // accepts an error and the return box
var robotInstance = new Robot({
create a sync robot
You can create a sync robot with isSync() method returning true. In sync mode, the process(box) method does not accept the second callback function, instead, it returns the box directly.
const Robot = require('i11e-robot');
var MySyncRobot = Robot.createRobot({
getModel() {return 'MySyncRobot'},
isSync() {return true},
process(box) {
box.set('v', 100);
return box;
var mySyncRobot = new MySyncRobot();
create a filter
A filter is a special robot, which returns a boolean value to indicate if the box need to be processed or not. You need to implement the isFilter() method and return true to turn the robot in filter mode.
Note: a filter MUST work in sync mode, you don't need to implement the isSync() method, as it will automatically set to true when working in filter mode.
const Robot = require('i11e-robot');
var MyFilter = Robot.createRobot({
isFilter() {return true},
process(box) {
return box.get('v') > 100; // only process the box with v greater than 100
var myFilter = new MyFilter();
shortcuts to create robot/filter
Besides the createRobot method, there are three shortcut methods to help you create robot / filter.
- Robot.robot(fn, options)
- Robot.filter(fn, options)
Robot.robot(fn, options)
Create a robot instance with a function
- fn: function (box, done) if options.sync = false otherwise function (box)
- options:
- name: the name of the robot
- model: the model of the robot
- comment: the comment of the robot
- sync: the working mode of the robot, default false
const Robot = require('i11e-robot');
var myRobot = Robot.robot((box, done) => {
box.set('greeting', 'Hello World!');
done(null, box);
Robot.filter(fn, options)
Create a filter robot with a function
- fn: function (box, done) if options.sync = false otherwise function (box)
- options:
- name: the name of the robot
- model: the model of the robot
- comment: the comment of the robot
const Robot = require('i11e-robot');
var filter = Robot.filter((box) => {
return box.get('v') > 100;