A NodeJS wrapper for Hypixel's API
A NodeJS wrapper for Hypixel's API
Table of Contents
To install the library, run:
$ npm install hywrapper
or with JSDelivr:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hywrapper@latest/file"></script>
With require
const API = require("hywrapper");
With import
import API from "hywrapper";
Initiating the Wrapper
import API from "hywrapper";
const api = new API(key, { // Your Hypixel API key; visit developer.hypixel.net to get one if you don't have one already
cache: true, // Whether or not to cache fetched data
error: true // Whether or not to throw an error if an API response is unsuccessful
Using the API
Many of the wrapper's functions are very similar to how they are organized in the Hypixel API docs, but are organized in categories like skyblock
, players
, guilds
, and static
. A few examples are below.
import API from "hywrapper";
const api = new API(key)
// .players - Information about players on Hypixel //
await api.players.status(uuid) // Gets a user's current online status on Hypixel by UUID
await api.players.punishments() // Gets punishment statistics for Hypixel staff and watchdog
// .guilds - Information about guilds on Hypixel //
await api.guilds.fetch('player'|'id'|'name', data) // Gets a guild from a player, id, or name
await api.guilds.achievements() //Gets a list of guild achievements
// .static - Information about Hypixel itself that rarely changes //
await api.static.quests() // Gets a list of Hypixel quests
await api.static.pets() // Gets Hypixel pet information
// .skyblock - All of Hypixel's SkyBlock API //
await api.skyblock.static.items() // Gets information regarding items in SkyBlock
await api.skyblock.auctions.fetch('auction'|'player'|'profile', data) // Gets an auction from its id, a player, or a profile
await api.skyblock.mayor() // Gets SkyBlock mayor and election data
Note that some API endpoints do not require an API key, as noted in the Hypixel API Policy.
Other API Functions
Mojang API "miniwrapper" functions
await api.mojang.username(uuid) // Fetches a player's username from their UUID
await api.mojang.uuid(username|...usernames) // Fetches UUIDs from usernames - supports multiple usernames
await api.mojang.skin(uuid) // Fetches a player's skin from their UUID
await api.mojang.profile(uuid) // Fetches a player's profile from their UUID
await api.mojang.blocked() // Fetches a list of Mojang's blocked IPs and domains
Make an unaltered API request
await api.request('/skyblock/auctions', { page: 10 })
Get cached data
api.cache.static.games // Synchronous equivalent to await api.static.games() when it was run
If you want to contribute