Open hyper with alfred commands
⚡🔎🎩 Makes Alfred works with Hyper terminal
Hyper plugin
Using Hyper, you can simply use hyper
hyper i hyperalfred
Alfred script
Open Alfred Preferences, go to « Features », « Terminal / Shell ».
Select « Custom » as Application, and paste the following (replace USERNAME
with your actual username):
on alfred_script(q)
write_to_file(q, "/Users/USERNAME/.hyper_plugins/hyperalfred.txt", false)
tell application "Hyper" to activate
end alfred_script
on write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data)
tell application "System Events" to exists file target_file
if not the result then do shell script "> " & quoted form of target_file
set the open_target_file to open for access target_file with write permission
if append_data is false then set eof of the open_target_file to 0
write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof
close access the open_target_file
return true
on error e
display dialog e
close access target_file
end try
return false
end try
end write_to_file
If you do not know what username you should use, open a Terminal and run whoami
or id -un
You're ready to go !
How it works
As you may know, Electron apps are known to be not working with Apple Script. I'm using a buffer file (located in ~/.hyper_plugins/hyperalfred.txt
Once the plugin is loaded on Hyper, it checks that file for a command. If there is one, it just write it using Hyper API and clears the file.
hyperalfred will only work if Hyper is not already the focused application. That means you can not expect to launch a command from Alfred if Hyper is the focused application. This is because Alfred does not make Hyper to loose focus.