### A Starter Kit for [React Native](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html) + [NativeBase](http://nativebase.io/) + [Redux](http://redux.js.org) + [CodePush](https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-code-push) Apps (iOS & Andr
LessonLearn Project example
This Project use Native-Starter-Kit v5.0.0
A Starter Kit for React Native + NativeBase + Redux + CodePush Apps (iOS & Android)
Brought to you by StrapMobile
A simple starter project for React Native + NativeBase + Redux + React Native Navigator + CodePush apps on iOS and Android.
No need of reinventing the wheel. To have immediately something to continue building on, it would be best to start from some starter kit for getting React Native - based applications off the ground in a hurry.
This is a starter kit that you can install on the fly to get the basic plumping of React Native with NativeBase, Redux and CodePush.
Find out more Free React JS Themes and React Native Themes.
Get Started
On the command prompt run the following commands
$ cd your project/
$ npm install --save hyeonmin
If React Native >= 0.29
$ react-native link
If can't use command you add at mainApplication.java
import com.heng.wheel.WheelPackage;
import com.rnfs.RNFSPackage;
import io.jbrodriguez.react.*;
import com.imagepicker.ImagePickerPackage;
$ new RNFSPackage(),
$ new RNSQLiteModule(),
$ new ImagePickerPackage(),
$ new WheelPackage()
at bulid.gradle
compile project(':react-native-fs')
compile project(':react-native-android-sqlite')
compile project(':react-native-image-picker')
compile project(':react-native-wheel')
How to using
1. move to your directory/node_module/hyeonmin/js
2. Copy js folder to your js folder
3. excute
i use sqlite
your project\node_modules\hyeonmin\android\app\build\intermediates\assets\debug\databases