Hydrogen's Pay React Js wrapper
Hydrogen ReactJS SDK
Hydrogen ReactJS SDK allows you to accept payment using in your react application
Register for a merchant account on Hydrogen Merchant Dashboard to get started.
npm install --save hydrogenpay-reactjs
yarn add hydrogenpay-reactjs
pnpm add hydrogenpay-reactjs
If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, create an issue here or send your inquiry to [email protected]
You should already have your api key, If not, go to https://dashboard.hydrogenpay.com.
Usage 1 - As a React Hook
import { useHydrogenPayment } from "hydrogenpay-reactjs";
function App() {
const options = {
amount: 500, // REQUIRED
email: "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
customerName: "John Doe", // REQUIRED
meta: "ewr34we4w", // OPTIONAL
apiKey: "PK_TEST_cca53e0b3bc7847aff94502b8a585f84", // REQUIRED
description: "Test description", // OPTIONAL
currency: "NGN", // REQUIRED
frequency: 1, // OPTIONAL
isRecurring: false, // OPTIONAL
endDate: "2025-10-02", // OPTIONAL but (REQUIRED when isRecurring: true)
const onClose = (close) => {
const onSuccess = (response, closeModal) => {
setTimeout(() => closeModal(), 2000);
const PayButton = () => {
const initializePayment = useHydrogenPayment({
return <button onClick={() => initializePayment()}>Pay</button>;
return (
<div className="...">
<PayButton />
export default App;
Usage 2 - As a Button Component
import { HydrogenPaymentButton } from "hydrogenpay-reactjs";
function App() {
const options = {
amount: 500, // REQUIRED
email: "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
customerName: "John Doe", // REQUIRED
meta: "ewr34we4w", // OPTIONAL
apiKey: "PK_TEST_cca53e0b3bc7847aff94502b8a585f84", // REQUIRED
description: "Test description", // OPTIONAL
currency: "NGN", // REQUIRED
frequency: 1, // OPTIONAL
isRecurring: false, // OPTIONAL
endDate: "2025-10-02", // OPTIONAL but (REQUIRED when isRecurring: true)
const onClose = (close) => {
const onSuccess = (response, closeModal) => {
setTimeout(() => closeModal(), 2000);
return (
<div className="App">
options={{ ...options, onSuccess, onClose }}
export default App;
Options Type
| Name | Type | Required | Desc |
| ------------ | ---------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| currency | String
| Required | The currency for the transaction e.g NGN, USD |
| email | String
| Required | The email of the user to be charged |
| description | String
| Optional | The transaction description |
| customerName | String
| Required | The fullname of the user to be charged |
| amount | Number
| Required | The transaction amount |
| apiKey | String
| Required | Your LIVE or TEST apiKey or see above step to get yours |
| onSuccess | Function
| Optional | Callback when transaction is successful |
| onClose | Function
| Optional | Callback when transaction is closed of cancel |
| text | String
| Optional | Payment Button Text. Default: Hydrogen Pay |
| className | String
| Optional | Payment Button style |
| children | Function
| Optional | React JSX Component |
| isRecurring | boolean
| Optional | Recurring Payment |
| frequency | String
| Optional | Recurring Payment frequency |
| endDate | String
| Optional | Recurring Payment End Date. OPTIONAL but (REQUIRED when isRecurring = true) |