A Package with hydrate utility functions that can be used by both the front-end and backend
Hydrate common utilities package
A Package with hydrate utility functions that can be used by both the front-end and backend
Node.js and NPM
You will need node.js and npm (node package manager) installed on your machine in order to add hydrate-utils to your project. If you do not yet have it installed, you can find instructions to do so here
Add hydrate-utils to your project
To add hydrate-utils to your project, run the following command from the root directory of your project:
npm install --save hydrate-utils
Updating the package
Update to latest patch (non-breaking changes)
To update the hydrate-utils package for any new changes that are non-breaking (either bug fixes or feature additions), you can run the following command in your project directory:
npm update hydrate-utils
Update to latest version (including breaking changes)
To update the package to the very latest version (which might include breaking changes), you can run the following command in your project directory:
npm install --save hydrate-utils@latest
Import required variables and functions
To use hydrate-utils in your project, you can simplay import any of the classes, types or functions you need.
Example: Import functions and variables individually.
import { setNetwork } from "hydrate-utils";
Alternatively you can import all the classes, types and functions as one combined reference (e.g. hydrate, but you can choose any name). This has the benefit that it clearly distinguishes the hydrate utils functions and variables from your app's own native functions and will provide auto-complete functionality in your editor to help you choose the appropraite function.
Example: Import all hydrate-utils functions and variables as one reference called hydrate.
import * as hydrate from "hydrate-utils";
Set network to Stokenet
By default the hydrate utils will be fetching data for the Radix mainnet. If you want to work on the Radix testnet (Stokenet), you will need to add the following line of code at the start of your app (before calling any of api related functions in hydrate-utils):