for building applications on
Huoban App SDK (中文版)
for building applications on Huoban
// ES6
import {client, host} from 'huoban-app-sdk'
// or
import * as HuobanAppSDK from 'huoban-app-sdk'
// CommonJS
var HuobanAppSDK = require('huoban-app-sdk')
// RequireJS
define(['huoban-app-sdk'], function (HuobanAppSDK) {/*...*/})
<!-- Script, available as `window.HuobanAppSDK` -->
<script src="//"></script>
Initialize & Example
Client: HuobanAppSDK.client()
Create a app client to communicate with the host:
const client = HuobanAppSDK.client()
// Normally send a message(action) to the host
client.send('hello', {word: 'i am a client'}).then(message => {
Create a host, just pass in your message handlers:
const host ={
init: handleClientInit
// or use the `on` method to add handler
host.on('connect', (data, respond) => {
console.log('client connected:', data.client)
// use the `respond` to response data
// or refuse the connect, use the second param
// respond(null, 'connect refused.')
// add a special handler to handle all message
host.on('*', (action, data) => {
// the * handler without a `respond`
console.log('client send an action:', action, data)
// Send something directly to the special client.
// {CLIENT} is from the `connect` handler
host.push({CLIENT}, 'app.change', {app_id: 123, name: ...})
function handleClientInit (data, respond) {
fetchInitDataFromServer(data.app_id).then((ret) => {
HuobanAppSDK.client(handlers) : Client
Initialize a client.
- handlers {Object} An object of message action/handler mappings
Returns a Client_(extends Channel)_. See the Channel API Docs for more details.
broadcast: (data, respond) => {
new Notification('You have a broadcast! ' + data.action)
}) : Host
Initialize a host.
- handlers {Object} An object of message action/handler mappings
Returns a Host_(extends Channel)_. See the Channel API Docs for more details.
init: handleClientInit
Boolean if in Huoban native APP
Boolean if in Huoban Web (
Channel API
Register a handler to be called when the channel is opened between client and host.
- handler {Function} The ready handler
Although you can register ready handlers, you can send messages before the channel is open using
and these will be queued and sent as soon as the channel is ready.
channel.ready(() => {
channel.send(action, data) : Promise
Send a message through the channel to the host/client.
- action {String} The message action
- data {Any} The message data
Returns a Message(Promise). See the Message API Docs for more details.
If called before the channel is ready the message will be queued and sent as soon as the channel is open.
// Typed message, will invoke registered action handlers
// Typed message with data, will invoke registered action handlers
channel.send('openUrl', { url: '' })
channel.push(action, data)
Send a message through the channel to the host/client, and without a return value.
- action {String} The message action
- data {Any} The message data
If called before the channel is ready the message will be queued and sent as soon as the channel is open.
// Typed message, will invoke registered action handlers
channel.push('broadcast', {action: 'refresh'})
channel.on(action, handler) : {revoke, revokes, on}
Handle an special action message.
- action {String} The message action
- handler {Function} The message handler
The handler receives two arguments: the data
of the message and a respond
Returns an object {revoke, revokes, on}.
let connectBinder = channel.on('connect', (data, respond) => {
console.log('new connection: ', data)
// remove the listener when needed
// or
connectBinder.revokes.forEach(revoke => revoke()), handler)
Remove an special action handler.
- action {String} The message action, pass
will remove all handlers - [handler] {Function} (optional) The message handler, if omit will remove all handlers for
// remove the special `handleClientInit` handler'init', handleClientInit)
// remove all `init` action's handlers'init')
// remove all handlers'*')
channel.emit(action, data, respond)
Trigger an special action.
- action {String} The message action
- [data] {Any} (optional) The message data
- [respond] {Function} (optional) The message responder
channel.emit('connect', {app_id: 123, ...})
Client API
Client extends Channel
client.init(applicationId) : Promise
Get the init data from the host. this should be the first call for an application
- applicationId application id
Return a Promise, resolved by data:
- user {Object} current logged in user
- table {Object} current table
- ticket {String} the ticket for authenticating
client.init(applicationId).then((data) => {
let {user, ticket, table} = data
client.openWebPage(url, title)
Tell host to open a new page with url
- url {String} The web url
- title {String} The web page's title
Tell host to close current page.
Tell host to set current page's title.
- title {String} The page title
Tell host to open the default item detail page.
- itemId {Integer} The id of the item
Tell host to open the default item list page.
client.openItemDiff(itemId, fromRevId, toRevId, opts = {})
Tell host to open the item diff component.
- itemId {Integer} The id of the item
- fromRevId {Integer} The id of the old reversion
- toRevId {Integer} The id of the new reversion
- opts {Object} The extra params
- field_id {Integer} The specified field_id to show
- created_by {Object} The modifier
- created_by_id {Integer} The modifier's id
- updated_on {String} The updated time
let itemId = 6078229
let fromRevId = 7308234
let toRevId = 7308410
client.openItemDiff(itemId, fromRevId, toRevId, {
field_id: 3034388,
created_by: {name: 'airwin', user_id: 11003, avatar: {}, ...},
created_by_id: 11003,
updated_on: '2016-07-31 11:22:33'
client.openFilter(table, filters, fn)
this method use the fn
to receive callback, not return a Promise
Tell host to open the native filter component.
- table {Object} The Table Info
- filters {Object} The specialed filters
- fn {Function} handler, fn(data, error)
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {filters: {and: [{field: 110001, query: {..}}, ..]}}
- filters {Object} selected filters
- error {Object} error info
eg: {cancelled: true} for user cancel the operation, {message: 'default value error'} for some actual error
- cancelled {Boolean} true for user cancel the operation
- message {String} error message
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {filters: {and: [{field: 110001, query: {..}}, ..]}}
client.openFilter(table, null, (data) => {
console.log('filters changed:', data.filters)
client.openUserPicker(opts, fn)
this method use the fn
to receive callback, not return a Promise
Tell host to open the user picker component.
- opts {Object} The picker options
- values {Array} selected users's id, eg: [11001, 11003]
- multi {Boolean} if allow select multiple users
- required {Boolean} if must select one user at least
- title {String} the picker's title
- placement {String} (web only) picker's position relative to the target, can be: left-bottom/right-bottom/left-top/right-top, default: 'right-bottom'
- width {Integer} (web only) picker's layer's width
- fn {Function} handler, fn(data, error)
- data {Object} data of callback
eg: {users: [{user_id: 11001, name: 'test1'}, {user_id: 11003, name: 'test2'}, ...]}
- users {Array} selected users
- error {Object} error info
eg: {cancelled: true} for user cancel the operation, {message: 'default value error'} for some actual error
- cancelled {Boolean} true for user cancel the operation
- message {String} error message
- data {Object} data of callback
eg: {users: [{user_id: 11001, name: 'test1'}, {user_id: 11003, name: 'test2'}, ...]}
client.openUserPicker({multi: true, values: [11001, 11003]}, (data) => {
console.log('users picked:', data.users)
client.openDatePicker(opts, fn)
this method use the fn
to receive callback, not return a Promise
Tell host to open the date picker component.
- opts {Object} The picker options
- [value] {String} (optional) default datetime
- [type] {String} select type: date/time/datetime
- [showClear] {Boolean} if show a
button to clear current datetime - [showToday] {Boolean} if show a
button to select today - [range] {Object} range of the selectable date, eg: {gte: '2016-08-01', lte: '2016-11-11'}
- placement {String} (web only) picker's position relative to the target, can be: left-bottom/right-bottom/left-top/right-top, default: 'right-bottom'
- fn {Function} handler, fn(data, error)
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {datetime: '2016-07-28 12:33', date: '2016-07-28', time: '12:33'}
- [datetime] {String} (optional) selected datetime
- [date] {String} (optional) selected date
- [time] {String} (optional) selected time
- error {Object} error info
eg: {cancelled: true} for user cancel the operation, {message: 'default value error'} for some actual error
- cancelled {Boolean} true for user cancel the operation
- message {String} error message
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {datetime: '2016-07-28 12:33', date: '2016-07-28', time: '12:33'}
client.openDatePicker({value: '2016-07-27', type: 'date'}, (data) => {
console.log('date picked:',
client.openRichEditor(opts, fn)
this method use the fn
to receive callback, not return a Promise
Tell host to open the rich text editor.
- opts {Object} The picker options
- title {String} editor's title
- [value] {String} (optional) default text
- fn {Function} handler, fn(data, error)
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {value: 'abc'}
- value {String} edited text
- error {Object} error info
eg: {cancelled: true} for user cancel the operation, {message: 'default value error'} for some actual error
- cancelled {Boolean} true for user cancel the operation
- message {String} error message
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {value: 'abc'}
client.openShare(opts, fn)
this method use the fn
to receive callback, not return a Promise
Tell host to open the share component.
- opts {Object} The share options
- [title] {String} share title
- [content] {String} description of the share
- [image] {String} share image's url
- [url] {String} the link to share
- [type] {String} share type, can be: url(default)/image(share image blob)
- [content_info] {Object} extra info, eg: {size: 1024} (when type is 'image')
- [via] {String} specified share with, can be: wechat/wechat_timeline/qq/weibo/clipboard/browser/tongren
- fn {Function} handler, fn(data, error)
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {via: 'wechat'}
- [via] {String} the app's name which shared with, can be: wechat/wechat_timeline/qq/weibo/clipboard/browser/tongren
- error {Object} error info
eg: {cancelled: true} for user cancel the operation, {message: 'default value error'} for some actual error
- cancelled {Boolean} true for user cancel the operation
- message {String} error message
- data {Object} data of callback, eg: {via: 'wechat'}
client.openShare({title: 'huoban', content: 'welcome', url: ''}, (data, error) => {
if (!error) {
console.log('share successed with:', data.via)
} else {
console.log('share failed.')
client.getSpaceMembers(opts) : Promise
get the full list of space's members from host.
- opts {Object} options
- [keyword] {String} (optional) search keyword
Return a Promise, resolved by data:
- members {Array} list of members, eg: [{name: 'test1', user_id: 11003, avatar:..}, ..]
client.getSpaceMembers({keyword: 'air'}).then((data) => {
console.log('got members:', data.members)
Tell host to show an attachment.
- fileInfo {Object} The attachment info
client.genQRCode(text) : Promise
generate a QRCode.
- text {Object} text to generate
Return a Promise, resolved by data:
- dataURL {String} base64 encoded string for using in images' src
client.genQRCode('hello world').then((data) => {
console.log('got dataURL:', data.dataURL)
client.scanQRCode(opts) : Promise
scan a QRCode. (native only)
- opts {Object} options
- needResult {Boolean} true for return the result of the scanned QRCode
Return a Promise, resolved by data:
- result {String} result of scan
client.scanQRCode().then((data) => {
console.log('got result:', data.result)
client.getLocation(opts = {}, fn)
this method use the fn
to receive callback, not return a Promise
request the current location.
opts {Object} options
- [position] {Object} (optional) current position (gcj02) eg: {lng: 116.397428, lat: 39.90923}
- enableHighAccuracy {Boolean} request high accuracy (GPS), default: true
- timeout {Integer} timeout (ms), default: 10000
- convert {Boolean} if convert (wgs84 to gcj02), default: true
- title {String} title to show
fn {Function} handler, fn(data, error)
- data {Object} data of callback
- location {Object} current location eg: {name: 'xx', address: 'xx', distance: 10, lng: 116.32, lat: 40.033}
- error {Object} error info
eg: {cancelled: true} for user cancel the operation, {message: 'default value error'} for some actual error
- cancelled {Boolean} true for user cancel the operation
- message {String} error message
- data {Object} data of callback
client.getLocation({}, (data, error) => {
console.log('got location:', data, error)
client.openUserProfile(userId, opts)
Tell host to open an user's profile card.
- userId {Integer} The User's user_id
- opts {Object} options
- placement {String} (web only) picker's position relative to the target, can be: left-bottom/right-bottom/left-top/right-top/bottom/top, default: 'bottom'
client.broadcast(action, data)
Broadcast an action to all other clients.
- action {String} The broadcast action
- [data] {Any} (optional) The broadcast data
set the current page's behavior. (native only)
- config {Object}
- landscape {Object} behavior when screen turned to landscape
eg: {nav_bar: false, bottom_bar: false}
- nav_bar {Boolean} if show the navigation bar
- bottom_bar {Boolean} if show the botttom bar
- landscape {Object} behavior when screen turned to landscape
eg: {nav_bar: false, bottom_bar: false}
Tell host to toggle the navbar. (native only)
- isVisible {Boolean} visible
Tell host to toggle the toolbar. (native only)
- isVisible {Boolean} visible
Tell host to install an application. (native only)
- applicationId {Integer} application's id
Host API
Host extends Channel
host.send(client, action, data) : Promise
Get the init data from the host. this should be the first call for an application
- client the client id (from the
event handler) - action the action name
- [data] (optional) the action data
host.push(client, action, data)
same as the send
but without a return.
- client the client id (from the
event handler) - action the action name
- [data] (optional) the action data
host.broadcast(action, data, applicationId)
broadcast an action to all clients
- action the action name
- [data] (optional) the action data
- [applicationId] (optional) special an application by id
Message API
Register a handler to receive the response to a message.
- handler {Function} Response handler
// In host{
init: (data, respond) => {
// may some async action
fetchSomething(data.app_id).then((ret) => {
respond({ticket: ret.ticket, user: {name: 'test1', ...}})
// In client
const client = HuobanAppSDK.client()
client.send('init', { app_id: 100117 }).then((data) => {
console.log(data.ticket, data.user, data.table)
Send a response to a received message.
This function is passed as the second argument to message handlers.
- [data] {Any} (optional) The data to respond to the message with.
Author & License
created by airwin and released under the MIT license.