This project demonstrates a simple simulation animation of stretching joints using JavaScript.
Human Joint Stretch Simulation Animation This project demonstrates a simple simulation animation of stretching joints using JavaScript. It generates a basic humanoid model on an HTML page and simulates the stretching effect on its joints using JavaScript.
Description The animation consists of a humanoid model with two main body parts: the body and the head. The body is represented by a blue rectangle, and the head is represented by a yellow rectangle. The simulation periodically stretches and relaxes the body part to create the illusion of joint stretching.
Usage To view the animation:
Clone or download the repository. Open the HTML file in a web browser. Demo A live demo of the animation can be viewed here (link to be inserted).
Future Improvements Add more body parts and joints to create a more realistic humanoid model. Implement smoother animation transitions. Add interactive controls to adjust the animation parameters. License This project is licensed under the MIT License (link to be inserted).