npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Hull Connector Archetype (Uses Builder) (Development)




Hull Connector Generator

Think of this connector generator is a kind of create-react-app for Hull connectors. It helps you go from 0 to fully setup environment in about 30 seconds.

It generates a fully working connector setup that you can immediately boot and use to receive Hull data streams and process them. It has sane defaults, with

  • prettier
  • eslint
  • babel
  • webpack
  • flow
  • mocha / sinon / chai / nock (for server testing)
  • jest (for client testing)

Plus a bunch of hull-specific tooling to make it easy to simulate traffic:

At the same time, it doesn't force you into any specific setup. It's just an express app at the core.

If you need to build a Dashboard UI, React hot-reload and Webpack are pre-configured, you just have to start writing your code.


We use builder-Init to generate the boilerplate app. Installing and generating a connector takes 2 lines:

~/test ❯❯❯ yarn global add builder builder-init
~/test ❯❯❯ builder-init hull-connector;


[builder-init] Preparing templates for: hull-connector
? Human-readable Name (e.g., 'Intercom') Test
? Package / GitHub project name hull-test
? GitHub organization name hull-ships
? Package description Synchronize Data with Test
? License organization (e.g., you or your company) hull-ships
? Destination directory to write hull-test

[builder-init] Wrote files:
 - hull-test/.babelrc
 - hull-test/.builderrc
 - hull-test/.editorconfig
 - hull-test/.eslintignore
 - hull-test/.flowconfig
 - hull-test/jest.config.json
 - hull-test/manifest.json
 - hull-test/newrelic.js
 - [....]

[builder-init] New hull-connector project is ready at: hull-test


~/test ❯❯❯ cd hull-test
~/test ❯❯❯ yarn
~/test ❯❯❯ yarn dev   //Start development server
~/test ❯❯❯ yarn build //Build project
~/test ❯❯❯ yarn start //Start production server

When your connector is ready (as soon as you have ran yarn in it's folder), you can start using it as follows:

| command | description | Notes | | -- |--- |-- |-- | | yarn dev | Start in development mode |
| yarn ngrok | Start a ngrok server | be sure to have your account setup to choose the subdomain
| yarn build | Build client and server assets |
| yarn start | Start in production mode |
| yarn build:client | Build Client-files from src to dist | Uses Webpack & Babel | yarn build:server | Build Server assets from server to lib | Uses Babel | yarn clean | Remove build files |
| yarn prettier | Prettifies source files |
| yarn flow | Checks Flow annotations |
| yarn lint | Lint and surface errors |
| yarn test:electrode | Starts Hull's Repl, Electrode |
| yarn test | Run Server & Client tests |
| yarn test:client | Jest client tests |
| yarn test:units | Unit Tests |
| yarn test:units:watch | Starts a mocha --watch server | so you can quickly work on unit tests |
| yarn test:specs | Runs integration tests | Use minihull | | yarn test:specs:watch | Starts a mocha --watch server | so you can quickly work on unit tests |


Simulating real traffic on connectors.

Electrode is an easy-to-use REPL you can use to send any kind of traffic to connectors, while being in a real hull environment, and see what the connector sends to Hull in response.

  • It takes a real connector ID & Secret to boot
  • It fetches the actual settings for this ID & Secret and uses them on the connector.
  • It accepts User or Account notification payloads,
  • It displays what the connetor sends back to Hull

Getting an example payload is very easy: just install a Processor connector, search for the User you want and copy the payload on the left column.

~/hull-test ❯❯❯ yarn test:electrode --port 8083
# yarn run v1.3.2
# $ node ./tests/electrode
? SHIP_ID my-ship-id
? SHIP_SECRET my-ship-secret

  "schedules": [
      "url": "/status",
      "type": "interval",
      "value": "5",
      "next_run_time": 1517693700,
      "last_run_time": null
  "resources": {}

║                                                             ║
║                                                             ║
║   Connector Started on port 8083 with instance my-ship-id   ║
║   Organization:                           ║
║                                                             ║
║                                                             ║


hull ❯ _
hull ❯ .load file.json user # loads `file.json` as `user`
hull ❯ send(user) # sends user as a User Notification

# What's available out of the box : 
# colorize -> colorize console dumps with console.log(colorize(object));
# segments -> segments on currently booted Hull organization
# minihull -> hull server
# hull -> hull client
# connector -> connector object
# organization -> org name
# moment -> moment.js
# lo -> lodash (renamed to avoid conflicts)
# urijs
# Of course you can require your own modules:
hull ❯ const boxen = require('boxen');

Writing tests


Integration-testing for logs and connector responses

Mockr is a testing addition to make it easy to simulate calls and settings and write assertions on the connector's responses to Hull

Testing environment

Boilerplate comes with mocha/chai/sinon/nock already setup for server tests.

You can then simply require hull-connector-dev/lib/mockr package and start writing assertions.

It sets up some mocks and minihull, which is a stripped down version of hull that's able to send messages to connectors and offer expectations on what the connector should send to the Firehose.

Here's how:
import { expect } from "chai";
import mockr from "hull-connector-dev/lib/mockr";

// Your server's entry point, with the same format as the one `hull-connector` bundles.
// Options will be passed to it.
import server from "../../server/server";

describe("Test Group", () => {
  // Start the mocks. they will run `beforeEach` and `afterEach` cleanups for you,
  // Start a development server
  const mocks = mockr({
    port: 8000,
    segments: [{ id: "1", name: "A" }], // Segments that should exist on the server

  it("should behave properly", async () => {
    const myNock = mocks
      .query({ foo: "bar" })
      .reply(200, [{ email: "[email protected]", id: "foobar" }]);

    // Optional, if you want to stub more things that your connector
    // will access during it's flow.
      pagination: { total: 0 },
      aggregations: {
        without_email: { doc_count: 0 },
        by_source: { buckets: [] },

    // Send a `user:update` call to the connector.
    const { batch, logs } = await mocks.minihull.userUpdate(
        // Connector Settings
        connector: {
          id: "123456789012345678901234",
          private_settings: {
            api_key: "123",
            handle_accounts: true,
            prospect_enabled: true,
            prospect_segments: ["1"],
            prospect_filter_titles: ["foo"],
            prospect_limit_count: 2,
        // Message payload
        messages: [
            user: { id: "abc", "traits/clearbit/source": "reveal" },
            account: { id: "ACCOUNTID", domain: "" },
            segments: [{ id: "1" }],
    // const { batch, logs } = await mocks.minihull.accountUpdate is supported too
    // This is what the Firehose receives.
    const [first, second, third, fourth] = batch;

If you use Atom, i strongly recommend you install mocha-test-runner which will let you run test by hitting ctrl-alt-m

Developing the Archetype

yarn gen-dev;
npm link ; cd dev ; npm link

Publishing the archetype

# Bump version in package.json
npm run publish:both


  • Will monitor, bundle and build all .js files in the src folder for Client-side code
  • Will build the server folder as lib for Server-side code