hubtel progammable services
Hubtel Programmable Service (Hubte-ps)
hubtel-ps is library for communicating with the Programmable Services API gateway. It simplify the process for connecting your application to your users who are using USSD, the Hubtel App, Hubtel Mall, and Hubtel Point Of Sales (POS) Apps.
Hubtel-ps creates an easy to use abstraction layer for communicating with hubtel programmable services for USSD,MOBILE AND POS. Hubtel-ps allows you to define all your responses or request handlers with descriptors whichi allows it to automatically filters for the best response for any request received.
So you only setup your handlers or responses and Hubtel-ps handles the rest
- Automatically filters Multiple responses for correct response to use
- Saves all session data including user inputs using Lokijs
- Allows retrieval of user input values at any sequence of choice using ClientState value as Key
- Automatically cleans up all stored session data using an interval
Initialising hps and hpsEngine
const hps = require('hubtel-ps');
const hpsEngine = hps.init();
Defining a single request handler
hpsEngine.addHandler(new hps.SequenceHandler(
[0,1], // valid sequence state, use for filtering type of handler to use
null, // valid pervious user input. use for filtering handler. NULL means ignore
(request)=>{ // action function. main code to execute and return responds HUBTEL API
console.log(request) // the request object to access data such as user input and other data
return new hps.Response({
Type: hps.ResponseTypes.response,
Message: 'Welcome to Naconm. Select Option',
Label: 'Welcome to Naconm',
FieldType: hps.FieldTypes.number,
ClientState: 'option',
Data: [
{Display: 'Document Deleivery Request', Value:1},
{Display: 'Cancel', Value:2},
Attach multiple handlers or request respones at once via addHandlers()
const hps = require('hubtel-ps');
const hpsHandlers = [];
// Home
new hps.SequenceHandler(
[0,1], // valid sequence state, use for filtering type of handler to use
null, // valid pervious user input. use for filtering handler. NULL means ignore
(request)=>{ // action function. main code to execute and return responds HUBTEL API
console.log(request) // the request object to access data such as user input and other data
return new hps.Response({
Type: hps.ResponseTypes.response,
Message: 'Welcome to Naconm. Select Option',
Label: 'Welcome to Naconm',
FieldType: hps.FieldTypes.number,
ClientState: 'option',
Data: [
{Display: 'Document Deleivery Request', Value:1},
{Display: 'Cancel', Value:2},
// Select Region
new hps.SequenceHandler(
[2], // valid sequance state where this handler can be used. you can provide multiple sequences
1, // Valid user input before this handler or response can be applied
return new hps.Response({
Type: hps.ResponseTypes.response,
Message: 'Enter Delivery Region',
DataType: hps.DataTypes.input,
FieldType: hps.FieldTypes.text,
ClientState: 'region' // Used as the key for storing the user input or response to this
// Now Attach hpsHandlers array to the hps Engine;
// this makes all handlers in array directly accessible to the hpsEngine for filtering
Processing Request"/", function (req, res, next) {
//Create hpsRequest from body
const ussdrequest = new hps.Request(req.body);
//process the request and produce appropraite response
return hpsEngine.process(ussdrequest).then(response => {
// console.log({response});
return res.json(response);
}).catch(err => {
// return res.status(500).json({
// "Type": "Release",
// "Message": "End of Route",
// "ClientState": "2017-03-30",
// "MaskNextRoute": true
Processing Payment Callback and Fulfillment Request"/complete", function (req, res, next) {
return hpsEngine.processPayment(req.body, async(paymentRequest)=> {
//Get session Data stored with lokiJs
// const sessionData = hps.getSessionData(paymentRequest.SessionId);
// Implement any custom function or database operation
// const student = await Student.findOne({schoolcode:'naconm01', indexnumber: sessionData.indexnumber});
// if(!student){
// return {ServiceStatus: hps.ServiceStatus.failed, ExtraData:{message: 'student not found'}}
// }
// Commit data to database of perform custom operation with successfull payment
// const delivery = new TranscriptDelivery(paymentRequest);
// delivery.User = student.user;
// delivery.Student = student._id;
// delivery.Indexnumber = student.indexnumber;
// delivery.Name = student.surname + ' ' + student.othernames;
// await;
// Return ServiceStatus to confirm succesful completion of service
return {ServiceStatus: hps.ServiceStatus.successs, ExtraData:{}}
// Return failed or Unknown if service completion fialed from your point
return {ServiceStatus: hps.ServiceStatus.failed, ExtraData:{}}
}).then(response => {
// console.log({response});
return res.json(response); // return fulfillment response automatically
}).catch(err => {
return res.status(500).json({
"Type": "Release",
"Message": "End of Route",
"MaskNextRoute": true