Hub and Spoke Model using Socket
Hub and Spokes Model for Web Applications using
This tool allows for you to easily communicate across windows, web browsers, devices, and on with a simple API.
Getting Started
This tool is (hopefully) easy to use. Be sure to launch the server, create a hub, note the id it generates, and pass it to any number of spokes on creation. Once both are inatilized, you can pass Hub.state = {object} or Spoke.state={object};
The server does little but bounce events back. Run it with node server.js
It runs on port 3001.
The Client consists of the Hub and Spoke objects.
Both require that the server is running, and the address is passed as the last/only argument.
For both, you can use {the hub or spoke object}.callback = {callback function}
to callback on updating the state from the other component.
Updating state is done by {the hub or spoke object}.state = {object of any sort*}
* We haven't tested compatibility exotic types, so be careful!
The hub communicates with its spokes, bidirectionally.
Initalize like new Hub('string of server host path and port')
The Hub has a quazi random fundamental value {Hub object}.id which needs to be passed to any spokes the Hub wants to communicate with.
The spokes communicate with their respective hub, bidirectionally. Spokes do not communicate with other spokes.
Initalize like new Spoke({hub object}.id, 'string identifier for this spoke', 'string of server host path and port')
The spoke id is the hub's id and the string identifier appeneded with a hypen. For an example, if a Hub has id of 5909, then the spoke may have id of 5909-d.