A Slack adapter for hubot
This is a fork of hobot-slack. Most likely a very short fork. Will only be maintained until hubot-slack supports slack client >= 2.0 I ran into problems building hubot-slack because of slack-clients dependency on ws 0.4.31. slack-client 1.5.1 does not cause this problems for me.
This is a Hubot adapter to use with Slack.
Getting Started
Creating a new bot
npm install -g hubot coffee-script yo generator-hubot
mkdir -p /path/to/hubot
cd /path/to/hubot
yo hubot
npm install hubot-winslack --save
- Initialize git and make your initial commit
- Check out the hubot docs for further guidance on how to build your bot
Testing your bot locally
HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-1234-5678-91011-00e4dd ./bin/hubot --adapter winslack
This adapter uses the following environment variables:
- this is the API token for the Slack user you would like to run Hubot under.
To add or remove your bot from specific channels or private groups, you can use the /kick and /invite slash commands that are built into Slack.
If you have scripts that send notifications to specific channels, use the channel name ie. HUBOT_TWITTER_MENTION_ROOM="#general"
Keep in mind that your bot needs to be joined to your specific channels by the /invite slash command.
If you're using the hubot-auth script, you can get the user IDs required for the HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN
setting by calling the users.list API method.
Copyright © Slack Technologies, Inc. MIT License; see LICENSE for further details.