Warframe module for Hubot
#Hubot-Warframe A Hubot module for tracking Warframe alerts, invasions and more.
Installation via NPM
Install the Hubot-Warframe module as a Hubot dependency by running:
npm install --save hubot-warframe
Add this to your
file:[ "hubot-warframe" ]
Run your bot and see below for available config / commands
hubot-warframe requires a MongoDB server. It uses the MONGODB_URL environment variable for determining where to connect to
Environment Variable | Description | Example
--- | --- | ---
MONGODB_URL | connection url for mongodb | mongodb://<host>:<port>/<database>
HUBOT_LINE_END | Configuragble line-return character | \n
HUBOT_BLOCK_END | Configuragble string for ending blocks | ```
HUBOT_DOUBLE_RET | Configurable string for double-line returns | \n\n
HUBOT_MD_LINK_BEGIN | Define the beginning string for a markdown link | (
HUBOT_MD_LINK_MID | Define the middle string for a markdown link | )[
HUBOT_MD_LINK_END | Define the end string for a markdown link | ]
HUBOT_MD_BOLD | Define the string to use before and after a string to bold it | **
HUBOT_MD_ITALIC | Define the string to use before and after a string to italicize it | *
HUBOT_MD_UNDERLINE | Define the string to use before and after a string to underline it | __
HUBOT_MD_STRIKE | Define the string to use before and after a string to strike it out | ~~
HUBOT_MD_CODE_SINGLE | Define the string to use before and after a string to define it as an inline block of code | `
HUBOT_MD_CODE_BLOCK | Define the string to use before and after a string to define it as a multi-line block of code | ```` `
Command | Listener ID | Description
--- | --- | ---
hubot start
| | Adds user to DB and starts tracking
hubot settings
| | Returns settings
hubot alerts
| | Displays active alerts
hubot baro
| | Displays current Baro Ki'Teer status/inventory
hubot darvo
| | Displays current Darvo Daily Deal
hubot end
| | Hide custom keyboard (telegram only)
hubot invasions
| | Displays current Invasions
hubot news
| | Displays news
hubot platform <platform>
| | Changes the platform
hubot platform
| | Displays menu
hubot settings
| | Display settings menu
hubot stop
| | Turn off notifications
hubot track <reward or event>
| | Start tracking reward or event
hubot track
| | Tracking menu
hubot untrack <reward or event>
| | Stop tracking reward or event
hubot simaris
| | Get Synthesis target tracking
hubot update
| | Display current update
hubot primeaccess
| | Display current Prime Access news
hubot damage
| | Display link to Damage 2.0 infographic
hubot armor
| | Display instructions for calculating armor
hubot armor <current armor>
| | Display current damage resistance and amount of corrosive procs required to strip it
hubot armor <base armor> <base level> <current level>
| | Display the current armor, damage resistance, and necessary corrosive procs to strip armor.
hubot shield
| | Display instructions for calculating armor
hubot shield <base shield> <base level> <current level>
| | Display the current shields.
hubot conclave
| | Display usage for conclave command
hubot conclave all
| | Display all conclave challenges
hubot conclave daily
| | Display active daily conclave challenges
hubot conclave weekly
| | Display active weekly conclave challenges
hubot enemies
| | Display list of active persistent enemies where they were last found
Sample Interaction
user1>> /start
hubot>> Tracking started
user1>> /settings
Your platform is PC
Alerts are OFF
Invasions are OFF
News are OFF
Tracked rewards:
Alternative helmets
ClanTech resources
Nightmare Mods
Nitain Extract
Void Keys
Weapon skins
Other rewards
user1>> /end
hubot>> Done