Hubot & Rocket.Chat Standup Bot.
Hubot Rocketchat Standup Bot
This bot adds a standup functionality to any rocketchat chat room. Stand ups are initiate and members are pinged in direct messages to avoid spamming the channel. The result is posted back to the stand up room channel
Using the Bot
This bot adds up to 1 standup per chat room. If you want to use it with a private room you will need to add the bot user to the room.
Create a StandUp
In the room you want to run stand up from
<bot_name_or_alias> show
This will show you the details of the current stanup in this room. If no one has joined the stand up and it has not been scheduled it will look something like this
Current Standup Settings
Currently not scheduled
Adding Members
To join the stanup, each user must run the following in the room
<bot_name_or_alias> join
They should see a reply like the following
Added USERNAME to the list of standup members
After each member joins they should open a conversation with the bot and send a private message to ensure the channel is available for the bot to ping the user later
You can see the list of members joined by running the bot show
Scheduling the Reminder
Stand up can be initiated manually from the room it is set in with
<bot_name_or_alias> init
but it can also be scheduled to automate this process
<bot_name_or_alias> sched
This will ask the user for days of the week and a time to run at. It will use these to set the cron-job reminder
Install Instructions
Add hubot-rocketchat-standup
variable or external-scripts.json
file based on your hubot configuration.
You should also have the env variable RESPOND_TO_DM=true
<bot_name_or_alias> help
Which will show you the available commands