Test harness for Hubot script and plugin development
This is a testing harness for Hubot scripts and packages that takes advantage of language features like async/await, with support for interactions across multiple rooms and users.
Hubot 3.x is a peer dependency, so your package will also need to depend on Hubot itself separately. If you're writing Hubot scripts, this is likely already the case.
npm install --dev hubot-harness
Here's an example using a Mocha test suite. Note that there isn't anything Mocha-specific in the test harness.
const {Harness} = require("hubot-harness");
describe("my command", function () {
let hubot;
beforeEach(function () {
hubot = new Harness({name: "the-bot"});
// Use .load() to initialize this bot with the scripts you wish to test.
// Its arguments are combined with `path.resolve()`.
hubot.load(__dirname, "../scripts/my-script");
it("runs a command and waits for the response", async function () {
hubot.say("the-bot: ping");
await hubot.waitForResponse("PONG");
it("can match responses with regular expressions", async function () {
hubot.say("the-bot: do the thing");
await hubot.waitForResponse(/the thing is complete/);
it("can say things as different users", async function () {
hubot.createUser("id0", "user-zero");
hubot.createUser("id1", "user-one", {extra: true});
hubot.sayAs("id0", "can i do this");
await hubot.waitForResponse(/no/);
hubot.sayAs("id1", "can i do this");
await hubot.waitForResponse(/yes/);
it("can say and listen in different rooms", async function () {
const room0 = hubot.createRoom("#zero");
const room1 = hubot.createRoom("#one");
room0.say("which room is this");
await room0.waitForResponse(/#zero/);
room1.say("which room is this");
await room1.waitForResponse(/#one/);