Hipchat adapter for Github. Talk to your Hubot from issue and pull request comments.
A Hubot adapter to use with Github.
Use this adapter to have Hubot listen and comment on Github issues and pull requests.
We use pull requests a lot. Now that we have a Hubot listening to our Pull Request chatter, we can do things like:
- Ask hubot to merge our target branch back into our feature branch
- Ask hubot to rebuild our branch (if it failed for a transient reason)
- Get a picture of a cool squirrel when we say "ship it"
So, basically all the cool stuff that Hubot already does, but in the context of Github comments.
Getting Started
Creating a new bot
Follow the Hubot instructions to create a new bot.
####Install this adapter:
cd /path/to/hubot
yo hubot
npm install hubot-github-adapter --save
- Initialize git and make your initial commit
####Create a Github User for your bot:
This is the user your Hubot will use to post comments.
- Sign up for a new account on Github
- If you have private repositories that your bot will be interacting with, add your bot as a collaborator to all of the repositories you want it to listen and respond to. You can skip this step for public repos.
- Create a new OAuth token for this Github User. It needs the following scopes:
- repo (If you want it to create comments on private repos it has access to)
- public_repo (so that it can create comments on public repos)
(Keep this token as secret as you would a password.)
####Create a Github Webhook for your each of your repositories: You'll need to create a Github webhook for every repository you want Hubot to listen to.
Create a new webhook for your
repository at: Set the webhook url to: <HUBOT_URL>:<PORT>/hubot/github-repo-listenerFor example, if your hubot lives at, then you will set the webhook URL to:
All of your repositories will point to the same URL.
####Configure your Hubot
environment variable to the token you created above.
Let's say you gave your Hubot user the name "BestHubotEver" You'll want to start your hubot with that name:
HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN=some-long-guid-number ./bin/hubot --adapter github-adapter --name BestHubotEver
####Test Your Hubot
Hubot is now listening to your comments on issues and pull requests.
You should be able to say:
@BestHubotEver ping
, and if he is listening, he will respond with PONG
Testing your bot locally
If you want to test your bot locally, you can create a temporary webhook that goes to your machine instead of a live Hubot. See detailed instructions on the hubot-github-webhook-listener page.
This adapter uses the following environment variables:
- This is the auth token for the Github user you created above.
A note on naming
It's customary to name adapters simply hubot-<adapter>
, however github-hubot
is taken.
Copyright ©, LLC. (Github: YNAB)
Taylor Brown, aka Taytay
MIT License; see LICENSE for further details.