A friendlier help command
A much more friendly help command.
hubot-even-better-help provides a better help experience than the out-of-the-box hubot standard help. Command options are organized by the script in which they are found, which reduces noise when a user is trying to figure out what hubot can do.
bob > hubot help
hubot> bob: I can do a lot of things! Which would you like to know more about? You can say:
* hubot help hangouts - Create hangouts with Hubot.
* hubot help meme - Get a meme from
* hubot help pugme - Pugme is the most important thing in life
* hubot help maps - Interacts with the Google Maps API.
* hubot help rules - Make sure that hubot knows the rules.
* hubot help rss-reader - Hubot RSS Reader
* hubot help youtube - YouTube video search
* hubot help shipit - Rodent Motivation
Or you can see all commands by typing `hubot help all`.
The user can dive in deeper by specifying the name of the script or module in which the commands are defined:
bob > hubot help meme
hubot> bob: Get a meme from
* hubot <text> (SUCCESS|NAILED IT) - Meme: Success kid w/ top caption
* hubot <text> ALL the <things> - Meme: ALL THE THINGS
* hubot <text> TOO DAMN <high> - Meme: THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH guy
* hubot <text>, <text> EVERYWHERE - Meme: Generates Buzz Lightyear
* hubot <text>, AND IT'S GONE - Meme: Bank Teller
* hubot <text>, BITCH PLEASE <text> - Meme: Yao Ming
* hubot <text>, COURAGE <text> - Meme: Courage Wolf
* hubot Aliens guy <text> - Meme: Aliens guy
* hubot All your <text> are belong to <text> - Meme: All your <text> are belong to <text>
* hubot Brace yourself <text> - Meme: Ned Stark braces for <text>
* hubot I don't always <something> but when i do <text> - Meme: The Most Interesting man in the World
* hubot IF <text> THAT'D BE GREAT - Meme: Generates Lumberg
* hubot IF YOU <text> GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME - Meme: Ski Instructor
* hubot IF YOU <text> TROLLFACE <text> - Meme: Troll Face
* hubot If <text>, <question> <text>? - Meme: Philosoraptor
* hubot Iron Price <text> - Meme: To get <text>? Pay the iron price!
* hubot MUCH <text> (SO|VERY) <text> - Meme: Generates Doge
* hubot Not sure if <something> or <something else> - Meme: Futurama Fry
* hubot ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY <text> - Meme: Boromir
* hubot WHAT IF I TOLD YOU <text> - Meme: Morpheus "What if I told you"
* hubot WTF <text> - Meme: Picard WTF
* hubot Y U NO <text> - Meme: Y U NO GUY w/ bottom caption
* hubot Yo dawg <text> so <text> - Meme: Yo Dawg
* hubot khanify <text> - Meme: Has Shatner yell your phrase
* hubot pun | bad joke eel <text> / <text> - Meme: Bad joke eel
* hubot pun | bad joke eel <text>? <text> - Meme: Bad joke eel
The module also responds to mentions or greetings in order to introduce itself, so that new users can discover hubot and learn what it can do
*sally has entered the room
bob > Hi sally! Welcome to the chat. If you need help with anything you can always ask hubot.
hubot> Hi, I'm hubot. Nice to meet you!
You can ask me a question by typing my name, or even direct messaging me!
Try it now by typing this:
`hubot help`
sally> hi hubot
hubot> Hiya! Want to ask me a question? Just type `hubot help`
hubot-even-better-help accomplishes all this by re-implementing the parsing logic of Hubot. Normally Hubot parses the header files of scripts and then combines all the commands in one array. hubot-even-better-help instead maintains an associative array of module names to commands, and combines them on the fly. This allows to to reduce a lot of noise when you start including a significant number of modules, or those modules like "hubot-memes" which have a lot of commands.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-even-better-help --save
Then add hubot-even-better-help to your external-scripts.json