This is another wechat/weixin adapter for hubot
- 中文版
- This is wechat/weixin adapter for hubot.
- Notation: wechat is another name for the popular App weixin in China
- Goal
- login once, run anywhere, anytime
- Make life easier and let bot do something for us in backend
Features of Hubot-WeChat (WeChat Adapter)
- Basic functions as that in WeChat Web
- Auto-reply text to group
- Auto-reply media to group
- Auto-reply to specific person
- Auto-report status to maintainer
- A forever script to launch the hubot instance and mornintoring
- Aboundants of scripts for hubot
- integrated with jenkins
- integrated with turing robot
- Lots of life information by querying the APIs provided from baidu api-store
Wechat Adapter Configuration
Basic Config
- The hubot needs a real WeChatID
- The hubot's WeChatID should be include in the group to be listened on for auto-reply
- The group/specific person should be save into that contact list
A config.yaml is provided to set the configuration items
- Those items most are for wechat login in Hubot-WeChat startup
Get config items method
- Login the wechat from browser, use the wechatId which is used for hubot
- Capture data from webwxinit api from browser debug mode
- baseUrl -- wx/wx2
- baseUploadUrl -- file/file2
- Wechat server has traffic distribution to WX/WX2 server dependent on hubot's WeChat ID
Below data are needed and set into config.yaml apporiated fields
- header
- cookie
- BaseRequest
- Uin
- Sid
- Skey
- DeviceId
- header
- Please fill the maintainer's wechat name (the maintainer should be in hubot's wechat contact list)
- Hubot will report its online status to maintainer in a configured interval
- To sync receiving message from WX server
- Default: 1500 ms
- It is the heartbeat to WX server
- To trick WX server the login persion still on the web wechat
- Default: 30s, it is same behavior in web wechat
- default value: true. Then hubot will listen on all the group where it is in
- It is used to control hubot only listen on some group for auto reply
Other config item: it's simple to know from its meaning and you can check the code for its usage
Start Up
by docker
docker pull kasperdeng/hubot-weixin
- size 83M, based on alpine linux
- Please prepare below config files on host
- config.yaml with your login info: cookie, Uin, SKey, deviceId
- For starting in docker, please set
logToFile: true
andwxLogPath: "/root/hubot/wxhubot.log"
- e.g.
- For starting in docker, please set
- Your scripts directory
- e.g.
- e.g.
- config.yaml with your login info: cookie, Uin, SKey, deviceId
- start-up command. Please note using
(volume) to map your config file and log file path on your host.docker run -d -v /home/kasper/dockerHubot/scripts:/root/hubot/scripts -v /home/kasper/dockerHubot/config.yaml:/root/hubot/node_modules/hubot-weixin/config.yaml -v /home/kasper/dockerHubot/wxhubot.log:/root/hubot/wxhubot.log kasperdeng/hubot-weixin
- Use this command to enter the docker instance for debugging.
docker run -it -v /home/kasper/dockerHubot/scripts:/root/hubot/scripts -v /home/kasper/dockerHubot/config.yaml:/root/hubot/node_modules/hubot-weixin/config.yaml -v /home/kasper/dockerHubot/wxhubot.log:/root/hubot/wxhubot.log kasperdeng/hubot-weixin /bin/sh
- About the image
, please refer to Dockfile
by npm
- First, setup hubot(details in Hubot official)
- add
to hubot's package.json - run
npm install
in your hubot dir - start hubot:
bin/hubot -a weixin
by git pulling
- Pull hubot-weixin from here
- Make symbolic link to your hubot-weixin in Hubot'snode_modules
npm link <your hubot-weixin dir>
- start hubot:
bin/hubot -a weixin
Design & Implementation Notes
- The problem
- Scanning the QR code to login web wechat
- No published official WeChat api interface
- Workaround for login
- Need login manually by scanning the QR code once
- Capture all the required data as hubot configuration(details in next slide)
- Shoot the trouble
- Use chrome/firefox to analyze web WeChat API
- Try its web APIs by curl
- Analyze the parameters and what it is
- Analyze the wxApp.js
- Notes:
- The hubot wechat on the mobile side keeps online is preferred
- Reason: WeChat server disconnects your hubot with websync failure after 3~4 days. But hubot works again once login mobile wechat app again.
The Adapter Software Hierachy
Operations in our Wechat-Hubot
The coffeescript version's WxChat Web APIs
The http layer, including sync and async
Integrate Adapter to Hubot
- Implement the needed methods of adapter
- Getting the hubot robot
- hubot sends out message to specific persion/group
- hubot replies message to specific persion/group
- New a WxBot
- Being called in hubot launching It is used to init the wechat groups information
- Integrate to Hubot by calling
@emit 'connected'
- Implement a callback to call hubot's receive method to get the incoming message
- Getting Started With Hubot on Windows/Unix-Like
- Backlog management
- Version control
- git
- Sublime
- or WebStorm/Vim
- DevEnv
- Nodejs and npm
- Use
npm install
to get all the node modules- Inside greatwall, add option
- Inside greatwall, add option
- Programming Language
- coffeeScript
- coffeelint to checkstyle
How to write Your Scripts?
- Please refer to the scirpts in repo
- Follow the coding style
- The
in the scripts provides the http asycn function to get your data from open APIs
Test Your Script
- With shell adapter
- Use your WeChat ID to test
bumblebee team
- No much functions to be implemented, most are focus on scripting
- Unit test
- See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).